The Process of Self-Actualization of the Main Character of the Novel
Perempuan Yang Menangis Kepada Bulan Hitam By Dian Purnomo’s: A Review of Abraham Maslow’s Humanistic Psychology
Mardiza Syafitri,Nurizzati
Abstract:This study aims to describe the process of the storied needs of the main figures in achieving self-actualization in the novel Perempuan yang Menangis kepada Bulan Hitam. Dian Purnomo's work is seen from Maslow's humanistic psychology. This type of research is qualitative research with descriptive methods. The source of this research data is novel Perempuan yang Menangis kepada Bulan Hitam by Dian Purnomo. Data collection techniques in this study by reading and understanding novels Perempuan yang Menangis kepada Bulan Hitam dian Purnomo's work, then marks data in the form of words, clauses, sentences related to multilevel needs, and inventory the data. The results of research form of fulfillment of multilevel needs in achieving self-actualization of the main figure in the novel Perempuan yang Menangis kepada Bulan Hitam Dian Purnomo's work is as follows. (1) basic needs (physiological) found 7 data, basic needs fulfilled by the main figure in the form of the need for beverages, the need for food, the need for clothing, and the need for housing (2) the need for security found 28 data, the need for security fulfilled by the main figure includes the need to be free from fear, self-control, the need for security and protection , the need to be free from fear and anxiety, the need for conformity with the environment and the need for peace (3) the need for a sense of love and having found 10 data, the need for a sense of love and having the main character fulfilled thanks to the emotional connection between the companion figures namely dangu (Magi's best friend), Ina Bobo (Magi's mother), Tara (Magi's friend), Rega (Magi's older brother) and people from gema perempuan NGO, Mrs. Agustin who gave attention and affection (4) the need for self-esteem and appreciation found 13 data , the need for self-esteem and appreciation fulfilled by the main figure includes needs and competencies, awards in the form of recognition, praise, gaining confidence, success in society and acceptance and incompetence (5) The need for self-actualization is found 6 data, namely the success of bringing Leba Ali to prison, acceptance of his own condition for all events that have occurred, appreciation from the environment for his courage against the customs that are still practiced, and finally the recognition and admiration of the world to the figure of Magi who dare to challenge a custom.