К.В. Калюга,K.V. Kaluga
Collection of scientific works of the Military Institute of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University
Abstract:The article is devoted to the analysis of the method of profiling the identity of an unknown criminal. The possibilities of profiling the identity of the offender (including the world wide web) and the practice of its application in the activities of law enforcement agencies in the investigation of crimes are investigated. Profiling (English Profile-profile) - profile, outline, outline, draw in profile - an integrated crime prevention technique by highlighting the characteristics of persons who have committed a crime or are preparing to commit it on the basis of psychological, criminological, criminalistic and sociological knowledge; a set of methods and techniques for assessing and predicting human behavior based on the analysis of the most informative signs, forensic portrait of a person, characteristics of appearance, non-verbal and verbal behavior, location and the like. Specialists who collect, process data, analyze and obtain an image are called profilers. Today, in law enforcement agencies, not only the profiling technique is not widely used. They do not use this term at all. It is noted that the effectiveness of the profiler depends primarily on its communicative abilities, the ability to verbal and non-verbal means to read the information that the interlocutor provides. Verbal means include language and speech, and non-verbal means the appearance of the interlocutor, facial expressions, timbre, tone, voice intonation, gestures, poses. Both groups of means are used in communication, and non-verbal ones are less dependent on the conscious control of a person. Thus, profiling is used not only to search for unknown criminals, but also to prevent illegal actions. The use of profiling as a component of law enforcement has positive and negative aspects. In Ukraine, profiling is only just beginning to be introduced into the activities of law enforcement agencies, so the further development of this problem taking into account foreign experience is relevant. The content of the use of profiling, the types and main areas of profiling are highlighted. A specific example of a model of a forensic portrait of a person is given. The article contains a number of recommendations for achieving practical results.