Components of personal maturity of the first-year students.

O. V. Lisovskii,,D. O. Ivanov,K. E. Moiseeva,A. A. Fokin,I. A. Lisitsa,V. M. Mineeva,,,,,
Manager Zdravookhranenia
Abstract:Research of personal maturity allows to determine the resources of professional responsibility in the development of the doctor’s competencies, which is especially important during the period of adaptation to the new conditions of learning in the first year. Mature person due to developed qualities achieves better results in a short time and effectively interacts with other people. Purpose of the study is to determine the indicators of personal maturity of students enrolled in the first year in 2023. Materials and methods. The Department of General Medical Practice conducted a survey of students enrolled in the first year in 2023. Total 396 persons: 313 women and 83 men. The average age of the respondents was 18,18±1,71 years. The study used the Hilbuch method to assess the level of personal maturity in general and its components. Results. The high level of unsatisfactory indicators of both personal maturity in general and its components was revealed, among which the worst results were noted when assessing the relationship of freshmen to their «I» (74.8% to 63.9% for females and males respectively). The medians of most indicators were not satisfactory. There are no statistically significant differences by sex, but the median sense of relationship to his «I» was significant among female respondents. Findings. The low level of personal maturity of students was revealed with no motivation and undetermined life attitudes in the absence of the ability to psychological intimacy with other people, which can become a psychological barrier to the development of professional competencies and communication in medical professions. Components of personal maturity, sense of civic responsibility and «I»-concept must be formed at the initial stage of learning, using all the possibilities of educational work and psychological support for freshmen.
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