The Impact of Technological Advancement in Airports on Passenger Convenience At Jinnah International Airport Karachi

Duaa Shakeel,,Eruj Wajidi,Yasir Tawfik,,
Market Forces
Abstract:In the prevailing technology era, travelers prefer airports that provide self-service and other supportive technologies. These technologies increase travelers’ enjoyment and satisfaction and enhance their confidence. Consequently, they develop a positive image of such airports. Given its importance, this study examined the effect of airport self-service technologies (ASSTs) on traveler confidence benefits (TCBs) and the impact of airport-supporting technologies (ASTs) on traveler enjoyment. We also examined the impact of traveler confidence benefits (TCBs) and traveler enjoyment (TE) on traveler satisfaction (TS). The study also explored the effect of traveler satisfaction (TS) on airport image (AI). The study focuses on the local and international passengers traveling from the Jinnah International Airport, Karachi. We distributed 450 questionnaires in the local and international lounges on different days and times, and we received 415 questionnaires. The study found airport self-service technologies (ASSTs) promote traveler confidence benefits (TCBs), and airport supporting technologies (ASTs) positively affect travelers enjoyment. The study also documents that traveler confidence benefits (TCBs) and traveler enjoyment stimulate traveler satisfaction (TS). The study also found traveler satisfaction (TS) positively affects airport image (AI)
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