Virtual Empathy: Usability and Immersivity of a VR System for Enhancing Social Cohesion through Cultural Heritage

Chiara Lucifora,Massimiliano Schembri,Luigi Asprino,Anna Follo,Aldo Gangemi
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage
Abstract:In this paper we describe and evaluate a VR application, designed with a novel approach that allows personalized interaction and a more immersive virtual experience. This VR system uses both a user-based methodology in which the user expresses his/her emotions by interacting directly with the environment; and an artificial intelligence-driven methodology that is based on automated language systems able to detect user emotion and moral values from verbal speech. In this study we evaluated the usability and immersivity of our system on a sample of 30 museum visitors. The results indicate that our application is easy and pleasant to use for visitors, and that positive assessments are significantly associated with the level of immersion and realism experienced within the virtual environment. Additionally, we found a low incidence of motion sickness among users.
computer science, interdisciplinary applications
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