Legal grounds and ethical conditions of alternative forms of criminal law conflict resolution in Russia
Dmitrieva Anna Aleksandrovna,Pastukhov Pavel Sysoevich,Gostkova Dinara Zholaushobaevna
Abstract:The article’s primary purpose is to reveal the potential of alternative forms of resolution of criminal law conflict in Russia’s criminal and criminal procedure legislation. The scientific approach of the authors consists of conducting a comprehensive comparative legal analysis of the norms of international acts and foreign legislation regulating conciliation procedures in criminal proceedings. The scientific novelty lies in the systematic analysis of changes in the humanization of criminal proceedings in all countries based on recommendations developed by the international community. The methodological basis of the study was a set of methods of scientific cognition, among which the dialectical method occupies a leading place, which allowed for identifying the grounds, conditions, essential features, signs and ethical foundations of alternative forms of resolving criminal law conflict. Combining scientific cognition methods in research creates prerequisites for an objective and comprehensive approach to the identified problems. Based on general scientific dialectical methods of analysis, synthesis, abstraction, and concretization, as well as private, scientific comparative legal and technical legal methods, the authors concluded the importance attached to conciliation procedures, which have become an integral part of the legal system of the vast majority of countries. The authors argue that the institution of compromise in criminal proceedings is the core of alternative forms of resolution of criminal conflict in Russia. The author’s concept of the formation of ethical conditions for alternative forms of resolution of criminal law conflict is a system of application of various means and methods, which contributes to the simplification and cheapening of the criminal process. The authors argue that such a technique as a compromise allows for minimizing all possible material costs and, most importantly, effectively implementing the purpose of criminal proceedings to protect the victim’s rights. The development concept aims to develop new approaches to organizing the activities of the investigative bodies and the court to conduct conciliation procedures, which should encourage the accused to exhibit positive behavior and contribute to its correction. The ethical basis of the procedural compromise consists of such features as the proof of the circumstances of the criminal act, the achievement of contractual truth by inducing the accused to active repentance and voluntary repayment of the harm caused. The ethical conditions of alternative forms of resolving the criminal law conflict in Russia create a moral basis for a compromise solution and provide an atmosphere of social trust in society