Proton-Λ correlations in central Au+Au collisions at GeV
John Adams, MM Aggarwal, Z Ahammed, J Amonett, BD Anderson, D Arkhipkin, GS Averichev, SK Badyal, Y Bai, J Balewski, O Barannikova, LS Barnby, J Baudot, S Bekele, VV Belaga, A Bellingeri-Laurikainen, R Bellwied, J Berger, BI Bezverkhny, S Bharadwaj, A Bhasin, AK Bhati, VS Bhatia, H Bichsel, J Bielcik, J Bielcikova, A Billmeier, LC Bland, CO Blyth, S-L Blyth, BE Bonner, M Botje, A Boucham, J Bouchet, AV Brandin, A Bravar, M Bystersky, RV Cadman, XZ Cai, H Caines, M Calderón De La Barca Sánchez, J Castillo, O Catu, D Cebra, Z Chajecki, P Chaloupka, S Chattopadhyay, HF Chen, JH Chen, Y Chen, J Cheng, M Cherney, A Chikanian, HA Choi, W Christie, JP Coffin, TM Cormier, MR Cosentino, JG Cramer, HJ Crawford, D Das, S Das, M Daugherity, MM de Moura, TG Dedovich, M DePhillips, AA Derevschikov, L Didenko, T Dietel, SM Dogra, WJ Dong, X Dong, JE Draper, F Du, AK Dubey, VB Dunin, JC Dunlop, MR Dutta Mazumdar, V Eckardt, WR Edwards, LG Efimov, V Emelianov, J Engelage, G Eppley, B Erazmus, Magali Estienne, P Fachini, J Faivre, R Fatemi, J Fedorisin, K Filimonov, P Filip, E Finch, V Fine, Y Fisyak, KSF Fornazier, J Fu, Carl A Gagliardi, L Gaillard, J Gans, MS Ganti, F Geurts, V Ghazikhanian, P Ghosh, JE Gonzalez, H Gos, O Grachov, O Grebenyuk, D Grosnick, SM Guertin, Y Guo, Anupam Gupta, N Gupta, TD Gutierrez, TJ Hallman, A Hamed, D Hardtke, JW Harris, M Heinz, TW Henry, S Hepplemann, B Hippolyte, A Hirsch, E Hjort, GW Hoffmann, MJ Horner, HZ Huang, SL Huang, EW Hughes, TJ Humanic, G Igo, A Ishihara, P Jacobs, WW Jacobs, M Jedynak, H Jiang, PG Jones, EG Judd, S Kabana, K Kang, M Kaplan, D Keane, A Kechechyan, V Yu Khodyrev, BC Kim, J Kiryluk, A Kisiel, EM Kislov, J Klay, SR Klein
Abstract:We report on , and correlation functions constructed in central Au-Au collisions at GeV by the STAR experiment at RHIC. The proton and lambda source size is inferred from the and correlation functions. It is found to be smaller than the pion source size also measured by the STAR experiment at smaller transverse masses, in agreement with a scenario of a strong universal collective flow. The and correlation functions, which are measured for the first time, exhibit a large anticorrelation. Annihilation channels and/or a negative real part of the spin-averaged scattering length must be included in the final-state interactions calculation to reproduce the measured correlation function.