Motion of a self-propelled particle with rotational inertia
E A Lisin,O S Vaulina,I I Lisina,O F Petrov
Abstract:Overdamped active Brownian motion of self-propelled particles in a liquid has been fairly well studied. However, there are a variety of situations in which the overdamped approximation is not justified, for instance, when self-propelled particles move in a low-viscosity medium or when their rotational diffusivity is enhanced by internal active processes or external control. Examples of various origins include biofilaments driven by molecular motors, living and artificial microflyers and interfacial surfers, field-controlled and superfluid microswimmers, vibration-driven granular particles and autonomous mini-robots with sensorial delays, etc. All of them extend active Brownian motion to the underdamped case, i.e., to active Langevin motion, which takes into account inertia. Despite a rich experimental background, there is a gap in the theory in the field where rotational inertia significantly affects the random walk of active particles on all time scales. In particular, although the well-known models of active Brownian and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck particles include a memory effect of the direction of motion, they are not applicable in the underdamped case, because the rotational inertia, which they do not account for, can partially prevent "memory loss" with increasing rotational diffusion. We describe the two-dimensional motion of a self-propelled particle with both translational and rotational inertia and velocity fluctuations. The proposed generalized analytical equations for the mean kinetic energy, mean-square displacement and noise-averaged trajectory of the self-propelled particle are confirmed by numerical simulations in a wide range of self-propulsion velocities, moments of inertia, rotational diffusivities, medium viscosities and observation times.