Minimax properties of Dirichlet kernel density estimators
Karine Bertin,Christian Genest,Nicolas Klutchnikoff,Frédéric Ouimet
Abstract:This paper considers the asymptotic behavior in $\beta$-Hölder spaces, and under $L^p$ losses, of a Dirichlet kernel density estimator proposed by Aitchison and Lauder (1985) for the analysis of compositional data. In recent work, Ouimet and Tolosana-Delgado (2022) established the uniform strong consistency and asymptotic normality of this estimator. As a complement, it is shown here that the Aitchison-Lauder estimator can achieve the minimax rate asymptotically for a suitable choice of bandwidth whenever $(p,\beta) \in [1, 3) \times (0, 2]$ or $(p, \beta) \in \mathcal{A}_d$, where $\mathcal{A}_d$ is a specific subset of $[3, 4) \times (0, 2]$ that depends on the dimension $d$ of the Dirichlet kernel. It is also shown that this estimator cannot be minimax when either $p \in [4, \infty)$ or $\beta \in (2, \infty)$. These results extend to the multivariate case, and also rectify in a minor way, earlier findings of Bertin and Klutchnikoff (2011) concerning the minimax properties of Beta kernel estimators.
Statistics Theory,Probability