Content-Aware Bilateral Filtering.
Tao Dai,Yongbing Zhang,Li Dong,Lida Li,Xinji Liu,Shutao Xia
Abstract:The edge-preserving bilateral filter (BF) has been widely used in real time applications (e.g., image denoising) for its low computational cost. The main drawback of BF lies in its sensitiveness to varying noise levels. To improve the robustness, non-local means (NLM) filter extends the pixel-based similarity distance to patch-based one. However, the standard NLM has high computational cost, which greatly limits its applications in practice. In order to keep the efficiency of BF, we propose a simple yet effective content-aware bilateral filter (CABF), consisting of a new range kernel. Specifically, the new range kernel is derived from surrogate for noise-free pixels, and exploits the local similarities of residual image, i.e., the difference between the noisy image and its denoised version. To further improve the robustness, the range parameter is automatically determined based on the salient geometric features (e.g., edges), which can be measured according to singular value decomposition of local image gradient matrix. Experimental results show that our CABF significantly outperforms BF, and even obtains competitive results over the computationally heavy NLM filter.