Phase diagram of the quantum spin-1/2 Heisenberg-$Γ$ model on a frustrated zigzag chain
Hidehiro Saito,Chisa Hotta
Abstract:We investigate the quantum spin-1/2 zigzag chain with frustrated $J_1$-$J_2$ Heisenberg interactions, incorporating additional off-diagonal exchange interactions known as the $\Gamma$ term, both with and without an applied magnetic field. Based on the density-matrix renormalization group calculation, we map out the ground state phase diagram that shows a variety of magnetic and nonmagnetic phases including multicritical points and several exactly solvable points. Upon introducing a finite $\Gamma$ term, we observe the persistent dimer singlet state of the $J_1$-$J_2$ Heisenberg model, sustaining a nonzero spin gap, while also giving rise to a gapless nonmagnetic excitation, manifesting in the substantial zero-energy peak in the nematic dynamical structure factor. This gapless peak-mode remaining almost as a fluctuation to the ground state, induces dilute but robust concentration of nematicity on top of singlets on dimers, which we call the nematic singlet-dimer phase. When the whole nematic excited mode condenses and replaces the singlet, the nematic-dimer phase transforms to the Ising-type ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic long-range orders that arise from the $\Gamma$ term spontaneously selecting magnetic easy axes. Its orientations dictate the type of magnetic order under geometric frustration effects as predicted by Landau's mean-field theory. These theoretical findings provide insights into the exotic low-temperature phase observed in YbCuS$_2$, characterized by gapless excitations and seemingly nonmagnetic behavior accompanied by incommensurate correlations.
Strongly Correlated Electrons