Gorenstein rings via homological dimensions, and symmetry in vanishing of Ext and Tate cohomology
Dipankar Ghosh,Tony J. Puthenpurakal
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10468-023-10223-z
Abstract:The aim of this article is to consider the spectral sequences induced by tensor-hom adjunction, and provide a number of new results. Let $R$ be a commutative Noetherian local ring of dimension $d$. In the 1st part, it is proved that $R$ is Gorenstein if and only if it admits a nonzero CM (Cohen-Macaulay) module $M$ of finite Gorenstein dimension $g$ such that ${\rm type}(M) \le \mu( {\rm Ext}_R^g(M,R) )$ (e.g., ${\rm type}(M)=1$). This considerably strengthens a result of Takahashi. Moreover, we show that if there is a nonzero $R$-module $M$ of depth $\ge d - 1$ such that the injective dimensions of $M$, ${\rm Hom}_R(M,M)$ and ${\rm Ext}_R^1(M,M)$ are finite, then $M$ has finite projective dimension and $R$ is Gorenstein. In the 2nd part, we assume that $R$ is CM with a canonical module $\omega$. For CM $R$-modules $M$ and $N$, we show that the vanishing of one of the following implies the same for others: ${\rm Ext}_R^{\gg 0}(M,N^{+})$, ${\rm Ext}_R^{\gg 0}(N,M^{+})$ and ${\rm Tor}_{\gg 0}^R(M,N)$, where $M^{+}$ denotes ${\rm Ext}_R^{d-\dim(M)}(M,\omega)$. This strengthens a result of Huneke and Jorgensen. Furthermore, we prove a similar result for Tate cohomologies under the additional condition that $R$ is Gorenstein.
Commutative Algebra