The range of developmental potential of the game as a subject program
Oleg Khairulin
Abstract:The modern terms of existential development of man and society are characterized by a brindle and dynamics of variations for possibilities and risks, influences and situations, in what take place social co-operating of person with her vital environment. Such influences and situations contain powerful potentials of personality development, but does not promise his lightness, safety, simplicity and unambiguity. Such terms are investigation of features of psycho-cultural development in the period of postmodern which begins more to answer game modus. On this basis a social subject almost always appears before the existential necessity of conscious choice of game (playing) mechanics of the life – to stick to simple, pleasant, however insidious facilities which often conduct in a trap, in particular to pathological playing dependence, gambling, or to elect the heavy, but interesting, difficult, but useful invariant of game as a functional attribute of lines of personality and public development. The ontological brindle of influences of environment, ponderability of cultural risks which are contained by postmodern, pulls out before scientific psychology the task of sound research of adaptive-developing potential of game as a psycho-social program of human vital functions in the conditions of his existential development. This task it is expedient to execute on methodological basis of integration phenomenological, formally-ontological (ontological modeling) and systemgenesis approaches. The corresponding model of manifestation of adaptive-developing potential of game it is expedient to construct as an ontogenetic signature. This signature has universal character and gives possibility to analyse any social events, situations and to design (to forecast) their forming and development in a prospect. The table of contents of ontogenetic signature of game is based on conformities to law of systemgenesis of psychical human activity, taxonomical system of types of leading activity, general conformities to law of development of higher psychical human functions and conformities to law of cyclic-canonical act. Architectonics the signature over brought in research, formulations and structure of her components, answer methodological terms phenomenological, formally-ontological and системогенетичного approaches. It allows to position a signature the canonical method of the pragmatic use of game as a subject program of vital functions of man. It is suggested to choose a logical-semantic triplet – elementary ontological abstract system бA subject (S) is Object (О) is Relation/Action (R)с the universal cellular structure of any forms of game action. A triplet is an universal psychological mechanism due to which the display of any game structure gets organized on any stage or phase of motion of such display. A key mechanism, matrix modus of subjects existence, is a game (playing), social role. It is systemgenesis appears and takes place as activity of Subject (S) in relation to Object (О) with Relation/by Action (R). The action (R) of subject will be realized through: а) thought activity in form deductions, b) verbal and c) kinematics praxis. In realization of social role it is expedient to distinguish: а) maximin motivation and b) minimax motivation. Within the limits of scientific psychology game-theoretical principle of minimax-maximin and usefulness principle as a general system-forming factor of situation is acquired fundamental multidisciplinary value. Qualificatory character for stability of mechanisms of development of subject potential is acquired by age of early youth (from 15 to 17-18 years). Such age contains terminal importance of ability of subject for co-operative mutually beneficial activity from application by him game (playing) program. This stage determines the prevailing orientation of further vital functions – adaptive or developing. The vital situations of subject it is expedient to profile on criteria: «usual – unique», «difficult – dynamic – uncertainty»; on the degree of vagueness «unstable – risky – full uncertainty». The game program of actions of subject in the situation of certain type can carry or stereotype, or unique character. The stereotype game (playing) program answers signs adaptive, finitary, iterative, with obvious rules is in basis of adaptation. The unique game (playing) program has subject-developing character because the terms of her realization compel a subject not only to adapt oneself but also initiative to influence on a situation, create or modify her under own aims and necessities. Coming from the rich in content features of two fundamental classes of playing forms are games as forms of adaptation and game as active programs of vital human functions, objective differentiation of game situations on the basis of their finitary and iterativeness, level of evidence of terms of situation for a subject, the class of games which take place as finitary and iterative forms of subject adaptation is offered, to determine igroid or game similar form. The game forms of unique genesis it is suggested to determine an existential game. Igroid is the optimal mean of generalization, transferrableness and translation of cultural experience. It is a class of game and playing simulation, which is characterized by the fixed functional, rules, scenarios, strategies, limitations, by axioms set to beginning of game. Prevailing of igroid forms of behavior can conduce to development of playing dependence. An existential game is the phenomenon, rules and scenario of which for a subject appear in the process of his motion. Ontological, systemgenesis descriptions (by attributes) of existential game are signs of the canonically accomplished act. Igroid is a separable or simplified existential game. Igroid is orientated on gaining experience of social co-operation, adaptation of subject. An existential game is orientated on development of creative attitude toward reality. Due to probabilistic character of the real life adaptive-developing potential of game gets the aspect-tensor of ontogenetic existential complication as an attributive condition of phylogenesis and ontogenetic evolutional development of man. Ontogenetic the signature of game answers essence and functionals of such development. Topological ontosignature of games are embraced by six levels: a 1) level of the phenomena of game; 2) level of game specieses, in a civilized manner withstand mechanic and scenarios; 3) level of genuses of game (branch on the criterion of public, social specific of game); 4) level of families of game (appears on the game-theoretical criteria of classification and on the unicity of tool of game); 5) level of types of game (differentiation on the criterion of connection of game with a kind leading activity); 6) the greatest level of domens (appears two separate classes of game – igroid and existential game and differentiated on the basis of type of strategic complication of terms. For today there is possibility empiric to investigate the phenomena of game only. The conceptual levels of ontosignature are intended for the sound and comprehensive theoretical design of corresponding games manifestation.