G Allaire, RE Bank, AL Bertozzi, L Borcea, EJ Candes, V Caselles, HD Ceniceros, C Clementi, KA Dill, W Dorland, Y Efendiev, AC Fannjiang, M Farge, KA Fichthorn, G Galli, AC Gilbert, J Glimm, M Griebel, TY Hou, R Klein, R Kupferman, M Luskin, T Manteuffel, PA Markowich, JE Marsden, P Moin, JM Morel, AB Movchan, S Müller, B Niethammer, SJ Osher, L Petzold, O Pironneau, P Plechac, A Quarteroni, T Schlick, C Schuette, Z Shen, P Sheng, R Tsai, E Vanden-Eijnden, MF Wheeler, J Xin, DX Zhang
Abstract:Launched in 2003, MMS features research articles that focus on the fundamental modeling and computational principles underlying various multiscale methods. Multiscale modeling is highly interdisciplinary, with developments occurring independently across fields. Research papers and survey articles that augment the fundamental ways we model and predict multiscale phenomena are featured. Particularly emphasized is the interplay between analysis and modeling, modeling and simulation, and mathematics and various applications. Papers bridge the gap in multiscale research between mathematics and various application disciplines, including biology, chemistry, engineering, environmental science, fluid dynamics, geophysics, information science, materials science, and physical science.