Curious case of gravitational lensing by binary black holes: a tale of two photon spheres, new relativistic images and caustics
Mandar Patil,Priti Mishra,D. Narasimha
Abstract:Binary black holes have been in limelight off late due to the detection of gravitational waves from coalescing compact binaries in the events GW150914 and GW151226. In this paper we study gravitational lensing by the binary black holes modeled as equal mass Majumdar-Papapetrou dihole metric and show that this system displays features that are quite unprecedented and absent in any other lensing configuration investigated so far. We restrict our attention to the light rays which move on the plane midway between the two identical black holes, which allows us to employ techniques developed for the equatorial lensing in spherically symmetric spacetimes. If distance between the two black holes is below a certain threshold value, the system admits two photon spheres. As in the case of single black hole, infinitely many relativistic images are formed due to the light rays which turn back from the region outside the outer (unstable) photon sphere, all of which lie beyond a critical angular radius with respect to the lens. However in the presence of the inner (stable) photon sphere, the effective potential now increases again and the light rays that enter the outer photon sphere can turn back, leading to the formation of a new set of infinitely many relativistic images, all of which lie below the critical radius from the lens mentioned above. As the distance between the two black hole increases, two photon spheres approach each other, merge and eventually disappear. In the absence of photon sphere, apart from the formation of a finite number of discrete relativistic images, the system remarkably admits a radial caustic, which has never been observed in the context of relativistic lensing before. Thus the system of binary black hole admits novel features both in the presence and absence of photon spheres. We discuss possible observational signatures and implications of binary black hole lensing.
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology,High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena,High Energy Physics - Theory