Spontaneously broken Standard Model (SM) symmetries and the Goldstone theorem protect the Higgs mass and ensure that it has no Higgs Fine Tuning Problem (HFTP)

Bryan W. Lynn
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1106.6354
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Abstract:B.W.Lee/K.Symanzik proved that Ward-Takahashi identities and tadpole renormalization force all ultra-violet quadratic divergences (UV-QD) to be absorbed into the physical renormalized pseudo-scalar pion mass in O(4)LSM (linear sigma models) across the Higgs-VEV vs. Pion-Mass-Squared half-plane. We show that all UV-QD vanish identically in the "Goldstone mode" Zero-Pion-Mass spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) limit. The Higgs mass is protected to all loop-orders and Goldstone-mode O(4)LSM has no Higgs fine-tuning problem (HFTP). We insist that self-consistent renormalization of the Standard Model (SM) requires that the scalar-sector UV-QD-corrected effective Lagrangians of the SM and Goldstone-mode O(4)LSM are smoothly identical in the zero-gauge-coupling limit. Lee/Symanzik's two conditions must be imposed on the SM: the Higgs cannot simply disappear into the vacuum; SM Nambu-Goldstone boson (NGB) masses (i.e. the pre-Higgs-mechanism longitudinal Wand Z masses) must vanish identically. At 1-loop, the Higgs-VEV is neither UV-QD divergent nor fine-tuned. Loop-induced-artefact NGB masses absorb all SM UV-QD, which vanish identically in the Zero-NGB-Mass limit, i.e. the SSB SM. Simply another (un-familiar) consequence of the Goldstone theorem, no fine-tuning is necessary for a weak-scale Higgs mass. Our SM results can (almost certainly) be extended to include all-orders perturbative electro-weak and QCD loops. SM symmetries (as realized by SSB and the Goldstone theorem) are sufficient to protect the Higgs mass, and ensure that the SM does not suffer a HFTP. It is un-necessary to impose any new Beyond the Standard-Model (BSM) symmetries. Mistaken belief in a 1-loop SM HFTP has historically driven an expectation that new BSM physics must appear < 14 TeV. But our results re-open the possibility that LHC discovery potential might be confined to SM physics.
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