Study on the Subject of Family Contract and Management Right and the Relationship among Members in Rural Households
ZHANG Xiao-bin,YE Yan-mei,JIN Xiang-mu
Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to clarify the subject of family contract and management right as well as the relationship among internal members of rural households, and thereby to maintain the multi-functionality of the right. The method employed in this paper are literature analysis and legal text analysis. The results show that the subject of family contract and management right should be farmers rather than household and the relationship among internal members should be quasi-coownership. It is concluded that the multi-functionality of family contract and management right will persist for a long time due to the particularity of farmland, however the current ambiguous enactment about it cannot adapt to new situation characterized by rapid urbanization, raising land price and the awakening of right consciousness. Therefore, the new legislation mode for family contract and management right should include clear subject and relationship among members, and complement special provisions about particular problems to maintain other functions of right like social security and food security while enhancing poverty function of it.