Albert Camus: Yabancı ve Sisifos Söyleni ‘Duygusal Bir Deney Olarak Saçmanın Düşünsel Bir Kavrama Yükselişi’/ Albert Camus: The Stranger and The Myth of Sisyphus ‘As An Emotional Experiment The Rise of Absurdity to An IntellectualConcept’

G. Eren
Abstract:O Z E T Albert Camus’nun Yabanci adli romani ile Sisifos Soyleni baslikli denemesi uyumsuz bir duyarliliktan hareketle insanlara dunyanin sacmaligini gostermesi acisindan 20. Yuzyil felsefe tarihinin en onemli yapitlarindan kabul edilir. Her iki metin de yasamin anlamsizligi, varolusumuzun sacmaligi, dunyaya karsi eksiksiz bir aldirmazlik, cagdas insan uzerindeki nihilizm buyusu gibi konulari sacma kavramindan hareketle sorunsallastirir. Calismanin amaci ilk safhada duygusal bir deney olan sacmanin katkisiz dusunsel bir kavrama nasil yukseldigini insanin hayatini kuran anlarin cesitliliginden hareketle incelemektir. Anahtar Kelimeler: sacma, nihilizm, intihar, yabancilasma, duygu ve kavram AB S T R AC T Albert Camu’s novel Stranger and His essay named The Myth of Sisyphus are accepted as one of the most important works of the history of philosophy in terms of showing the absurd of the world to the people. Both text starting from the concept of absurdity problematize the subjects such as the meaningless of life, the absurdity of our existence, a full indifference to the World and the magic of nihilizm on modern man.The aim of the study is to investigate how the absurdity, which was an emotional experiment in the first phase, rose to a pure intellectual concept with variety of moments forming the man’s life. Keywords: absurd, nihilism, suicide, alienation, sense and concept
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