A census of graph-drawing algorithms based on generalized transversal structures
Olivier Bernardi,Éric Fusy,Shizhe Liang
Abstract:We present two graph drawing algorithms based on the recently defined "grand-Schnyder woods", which are a far-reaching generalization of the classical Schnyder woods. The first is a straight-line drawing algorithm for plane graphs with faces of degree 3 and 4 with no separating 3-cycle, while the second is a rectangular drawing algorithm for the dual of such plane graphs.
In our algorithms, the coordinates of the vertices are defined in a global manner, based on the underlying grand-Schnyder woods. The grand-Schnyder woods and drawings are computed in linear time.
When specializing our algorithms to special classes of plane graphs, we recover the following known algorithms: (1) He's algorithm for rectangular drawing of 3-valent plane graphs, based on transversal structures, (2) Fusy's algorithm for the straight-line drawing of triangulations of the square, based on transversal structures, (3) Bernardi and Fusy's algorithm for the orthogonal drawing of 4-valent plane graphs, based on 2-orientations, (4) Barriere and Huemer's algorithm for the straight-line drawing of quadrangulations, based on separating decompositions.
Our contributions therefore provide a unifying perspective on a large family of graph drawing algorithms that were originally defined on different classes of plane graphs and were based on seemingly different combinatorial structures.
Combinatorics,Computational Geometry