Intersection Types for the Computational lambda-Calculus
Ugo de'Liguoro,Riccardo Treglia
Abstract:We study polymorphic type assignment systems for untyped lambda-calculi with effects, based on Moggi's monadic approach. Moving from the abstract definition of monads, we introduce a version of the call-by-value computational lambda-calculus based on Wadler's variant with unit and bind combinators, and without let. We define a notion of reduction for the calculus and prove it confluent, and also we relate our calculus to the original work by Moggi showing that his untyped metalanguage can be interpreted and simulated in our calculus. We then introduce an intersection type system inspired to Barendregt, Coppo and Dezani system for ordinary untyped lambda-calculus, establishing type invariance under conversion, and provide models of the calculus via inverse limit and filter model constructions and relate them. We prove soundness and completeness of the type system, together with subject reduction and expansion properties. Finally, we introduce a notion of convergence, which is precisely related to reduction, and characterize convergent terms via their types.
Logic in Computer Science