Probing Nucleons and Nuclei in High Energy Collisions
Aidala Christine A.,Aslan Fatma,Bacchetta Alessandro,Balitsky Ian,Benić Sanjin,Bhattacharya Shohini,Boglione Mariaelena,Burkardt Matthias,Cammarota Justin,Chirilli Giovanni A.,Cocuzza Christopher,Courtoy Aurore,de Florian Daniel,Di Nezza Pasquale,Dumitru Adrian,Fucini Sara,Fukushima Kenji,Furletova Yulia,Gamberg Leonard,Garcia-Montero Oscar,Gelis François,Guzey Vadim,Hatta Yoshitaka,Hautmann Francesco,Hobbs Timothy J.,Horn Tanja,Iancu Edmond,Joosten Sylvester,Kang Zhong-Bo,Kishore Raj,Kovchegov Yuri V.,Kroll Peter,Kumerički Krešimir,Kutak Krzysztof,Lappi Tuomas,Lin Huey-Wen,Liu Xiaohui,Liuti Simonetta,Lorcé Cédric,Mäntysaari Heikki,Marquet Cyrille,Makris Yiannis,Mamo Kiminad A.,Mehtar-Tani Yacine,Metz Andreas,Meziani Zein-Eddine,Miller Gerald A.,Mukherjee Asmita,Nadolsky Pavel M.,Olness Fredrick I.,Pasquini Barbara,Pire Bernard,Pisano Cristian,Pitonyak Daniel,Polyakov Maxim V.,Prokudin Alexei,Qiu Jian-Wei,Radici Marco,Rajan Abha,Rajesh Sangem,Rinaldi Matteo,Roy Kaushik,Royon Christophe,Sato Nobuo,Schlegel Marc,Schnell Gunar,Schweitzer Peter,Scopetta Sergio,Seidl Ralf,Semenov-Tian-Shansky Kirill,Sokhan Daria,Stasto Anna M.,Szymanowski Lech,Tarasov Andrey,Triantafyllopoulos Dionysios,Ullrich Thomas,Venugopalan Raju,Vitev Ivan,Vogelsang Werner,Vossen Anselm,Wang Bo-Ting,Wallon Samuel,Weiss Christian,Xiao Bo-Wen,Yee Ho-Ung,Zhao Yong
Abstract: This volume is a collection of contributions for the 7-week program "Probing Nucleons and Nuclei in High Energy Collisions" that was held at the Institute for Nuclear Theory in Seattle, WA, USA, from October 1 until November 16, 2018. The program was dedicated to the physics of the Electron Ion Collider (EIC), the world's first polarized electron-nucleon (ep) and electron-nucleus (eA) collider to be constructed in the USA. These proceedings are organized by chapters, corresponding to the weeks of the program: Week I, Generalized parton distributions; Week II, Transverse spin and TMDs; Week III, Longitudinal spin; Week IV, Symposium week; Weeks V & VI, eA collisions; Week VII, pA and AA collisions. We hope these proceedings will be useful to readers as a compilation of EIC-related science at the end of the second decade of the XXI century.