Lyman-alpha transmission properties of the intergalactic medium in the CoDaII simulation
Max Gronke,Pierre Ocvirk,Charlotte Mason,Jorryt Matthee,Sarah E. I. Bosman,Jenny G. Sorce,Joseph Lewis,Kyungjin Ahn,Dominique Aubert,Taha Dawoodbhoy,Ilian T. Iliev,Paul R. Shapiro,Gustavo Yepes
Abstract:The decline in abundance of Lyman-$\alpha$ (Ly$\alpha$) emitting galaxies at $z \gtrsim 6$ is a powerful and commonly used probe to constrain the progress of cosmic reionization. We use the CoDaII simulation, which is a radiation hydrodynamic simulation featuring a box of $\sim 94$ comoving Mpc side length, to compute the Ly$\alpha$ transmission properties of the intergalactic medium (IGM) at $z\sim 5.8$ to $7$. Our results mainly confirm previous studies, i.e., we find a declining Ly$\alpha$ transmission with redshift and a large sightline-to-sightline variation. However, motivated by the recent discovery of blue Ly$\alpha$ peaks at high redshift, we also analyze the IGM transmission on the blue side, which shows a rapid decline at $z\gtrsim 6$ of the blue transmission. This low transmission can be attributed not only to the presence of neutral regions but also to the residual neutral hydrogen within ionized regions, for which a density even as low as $n_{\rm HI}\sim 10^{-9}\,\mathrm{cm}^{-3}$ (sometimes combined with kinematic effects) leads to a significantly reduced visibility. Still, we find that $\sim 1\%$ of sightlines towards $M_{\mathrm{1600AB}}\sim -21$ galaxies at $z\sim 7$ are transparent enough to allow a transmission of a blue Ly$\alpha$ peak. We discuss our results in the context of the interpretation of observations.
Astrophysics of Galaxies