Borel-Cantelli sequences
Michael Boshernitzan,Jon Chaika
Abstract:A sequence $\{x_{n}\}_1^\infty$ in $[0,1)$ is called Borel-Cantelli (BC) if for all non-increasing sequences of positive real numbers $\{a_n\}$ with $\underset{i=1}{\overset{\infty}{\sum}}a_i=\infty$ the set \[\underset{k=1}{\overset{\infty}{\cap}} \underset{n=k}{\overset{\infty}{\cup}} B(x_n, a_n))=\{x\in[0,1)\mid |x_n-x|<a_n \text{for} \infty \text{many}n\geq1\}\] has full Lebesgue measure. (To put it informally, BC sequences are sequences for which a natural converse to the Borel-Cantelli Theorem holds).
The notion of BC sequences is motivated by the Monotone Shrinking Target Property for dynamical systems, but our approach is from a geometric rather than dynamical perspective. A sufficient condition, a necessary condition and a necessary and sufficient condition for a sequence to be BC are established. A number of examples of BC and not BC sequences are presented.
The property of a sequence to be BC is a delicate diophantine property. For example, the orbits of a pseudo-Anosoff IET (interval exchange transformation) are BC while the orbits of a "generic" IET are not.
The notion of BC sequences is extended to more general spaces.
Dynamical Systems,Number Theory