3. On the Combined Motions of the Magnetic Needle, and on the Aurora Borealis.
J. A. Broun
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/s0370164600036890
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
Abstract:When a steel needle or rod is so constructed that its centre of gravity is in a finely-turned axle at right angles to its length, it will rest in any position when the axle is placed upon polished planes; when, however, we magnetize the needle, it assumes a position which is that of the direction of the magnetic force at the place: in this way we obtain the ordinary dipping-needle. The dipping-needle can obviously move only in one plane, that to which the axle is at right angles; were it possible to suspend it freely, so that it could move in every plane with every variation of the direction of the magnetic force, we should then be able, by observing the variations of its position, to determine at once the laws which a magnet in its true position obeys; this, however, we have not been able to do; even the small variations in the vertical plane, which we might expect to obtain from the ordinary dipping-needle, are nearly or altogether destroyed by the friction of the axle upon its supports; and there are many mechanical difficulties in the way of the other methods of suspension. It has been found convenient, then, to make use of the simplest methods of suspending magnets in a horizontal plane; and to endeavour to deduce, from the composition of their motions, the laws both of the variation of the force with which a truly suspended magnet is directed, and of the direction of that force itself.
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