Resolving debris discs in the far-infrared: early highlights from the DEBRIS survey
DEBRIS Collaboration,Brenda Matthews,Bruce Sibthorpe,Grant Kennedy,Neil Phillips,Laura Churcher,Gaspard Duchêne,Jane Greaves,Jean-Francois Lestrade,Amaya Moro-Martin,Mark Wyatt,Pierre Bastien,Andy Biggs,Jerome Bouvier,Harold Butner,Bill Dent,James Di Francesco,Jochen Eislöffel,James Graham,Paul Harvey,Peter Hauschildt,Wayne Holland,Jonti Horner,Eduardo Ibar,Rob Ivison,Doug Johnstone,Paul Kalas,JJ Kavelaars,David Rodriguez,Stephane Udry,Paul van der Werf,David Wilner,Ben Zuckerman
Abstract:We present results from the earliest observations of DEBRIS, a Herschel Key Programme to conduct a volume- and flux-limited survey for debris discs in A-type through M-type stars. PACS images (from chop/nod or scan-mode observations) at 100 and 160 micron are presented toward two A-type stars and one F-type star: beta Leo, beta UMa and eta Corvi. All three stars are known disc hosts. Herschel spatially resolves the dust emission around all three stars (marginally, in the case of beta UMa), providing new information about discs as close as 11 pc with sizes comparable to that of the Solar System. We have combined these data with existing flux density measurements of the discs to refine the SEDs and derive estimates of the fractional luminosities, temperatures and radii of the discs.
Solar and Stellar Astrophysics