Calculation of electron-positron production in supercritical uranium-uranium collisions near the Coulomb barrier

Edward Ackad,Marko Horbatsch
Abstract:The time-dependent Dirac equation was solved for zero-impact-parameter bare U-U collisions in the monopole approximation using a mapped Fourier grid matrix representation. A total of 2048 states including bound, as well as positive- and negative-energy states for an N=1024 spatial grid were propagated to generate occupation amplitudes as a function of internuclear separation. From these amplitudes spectra were calculated for total inclusive positron and electron production, and also the correlated spectra for ($e^+,e^-$) pair production. These were analyzed as a function of nuclear sticking time in order to establish signatures of spontaneous pair creation, i.e., QED vacuum decay. Subcritical Fr-Fr and highly supercritical Db-Db collisions both at the Coulomb barrier were also studied and contrasted with the U-U results.
Atomic Physics
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