A complete characterization of spectra of the Randic matrix of level-wise regular trees
Punit Vadher,Devsi Bantva
Abstract:Let $G$ be a simple finite connected graph with vertex set $V(G) = \{v_1,v_2,\ldots,v_n\}$. Denote the degree of vertex $v_i$ by $d_i$ for all $1 \leq i \leq n$. The Randić matrix of $G$, denoted by $R(G) = [r_{i,j}]$, is the $n \times n$ matrix whose $(i,j)$-entry $r_{i,j}$ is $r_{i,j} = 1/\sqrt{d_id_j}$ if $v_i$ and $v_j$ are adjacent in $G$ and 0 otherwise. A tree is a connected acyclic graph. A level-wise regular tree is a tree rooted at one vertex $r$ or two (adjacent) vertices $r$ and $r'$ in which all vertices with the minimum distance $i$ from $r$ or $r'$ have the same degree $m_i$ for $0 \leq i \leq h$, where $h$ is the height of $T$. In this paper, we give a complete characterization of the eigenvalues with their multiplicity of the Randić matrix of level-wise regular trees. We prove that the eigenvalues of the Randić matrix of a level-wise regular tree are the eigenvalues of the particular tridiagonal matrices, which are formed using the degree sequence $(m_0,m_1,\ldots,m_{h-1})$ of level-wise regular trees.
Combinatorics,Discrete Mathematics