Abstract:In this article we compute a discrete mean value of the derivative of the Riemann zeta function. This mean value will be important for several applications concerning the size of $\zeta'(\rho)$ where $\zeta(s)$ is the Riemann zeta function and $\rho$ is a non-trivial zero of the Riemann zeta function.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to calculate the discrete mean of the derivative of the Riemann zeta function. Specifically, the author Nathan Ng aims to calculate the following discrete mean:
\[ S = \sum_{0 < \gamma < T} \zeta'(\rho) X(\rho) Y(1 - \rho) \]
where \(\zeta(s)\) is the Riemann zeta function, \(\rho = \beta + i\gamma\) is a non - trivial zero of the Riemann zeta function, \(T\) is a large parameter, and \(X(s)\) and \(Y(s)\) are Dirichlet polynomials defined as
\[ X(s) = \sum_{n \leq M} \frac{x_n}{n^s}, \quad Y(s) = \sum_{n \leq M} \frac{y_n}{n^s} \]
where \(x_n\) and \(y_n\) are arbitrary real sequences, and \(M = T^\theta\) (\(0 < \theta < 1/2\)).
By calculating this discrete mean, the author hopes to further study the magnitude problem of \(\zeta'(\rho)\) and apply it to prove the lower bound estimates of \(\zeta'(\rho)\). In particular, under the assumption that the Riemann hypothesis holds, the author proves that there exists a constant \(A>0\) such that:
\[ |\zeta'(\rho)| \gg (\log |\gamma|)^A \]
holds for infinitely many \(\rho=\frac{1}{2}+i\gamma\).
Furthermore, the author also assumes a large zero - free region conjecture, that is, for each \(q \geq 1\) and a character \(\chi\) modulo \(q\), the Dirichlet L - function \(L(s,\chi)\) has no zeros in the region
\[ \sigma \geq 1-\frac{c_0}{\log \log (q(|t| + 4))} \]
where \(c_0\) is a sufficiently large constant. Based on this assumption, the author proves a stronger result:
\[ |\zeta'(\rho)| \gg \exp\left(c_2\sqrt{\frac{\log |\gamma|}{\log \log |\gamma|}}\right) \]
These results are helpful for better understanding the behavior of the Riemann zeta function and its derivative on the critical line, and have important applications to problems such as the distribution of simple zeros in number theory and the distribution of the Möbius function summation function.