Columnar versus smectic order in systems of charged colloidal rods

H. H. Wensink
Abstract:We study the stability of inhomogeneous liquid crystalline states in systems of monodisperse, stiff, charged rods. By means of a bifurcation analysis applied to the Onsager free energy for charged rods in strongly nematic states, we investigate nematic-smectic and nematic-columnar instabilities as a function of the Debye screening length. While the nematic-smectic transition clearly pre-emts the nematic-columnar one in the regime of strong screening a marked stability of hexagonal columnar order is observed at larger screening lengths. The theoretical results are substantiated by Brownian dynamics computer simulation results based on the Yukawa-site model. Our findings connect to experiments on tobacco mosaic virus rods in particular but might be relevant for soft rod-like mesogens in strong external directional fields in general.
Soft Condensed Matter,Statistical Mechanics
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
### What problems does this paper attempt to solve? This paper aims to study the stability of the columnar and smectic liquid - crystal phases in a charged rigid - rod - like colloid system. Specifically, by analyzing the Onsager free energy and combining it with the Yukawa - site model for Brownian dynamics computer simulations, the author explores the competitive relationship between nematic - smectic and nematic - columnar instabilities under different Debye screening lengths (\(\kappa^{-1}\)). #### Main research questions include: 1. **Understanding the phase behavior of charged rigid - rod - like particle systems**: - Research on the stability of charged rigid rods in the strong nematic phase. - Explore how nematic - smectic and nematic - columnar transitions are affected by the Debye screening length. 2. **Determining the stability of the columnar and smectic phases**: - Under strong screening conditions (i.e., small \(\kappa^{-1}\)), whether the smectic phase appears prior to the columnar phase. - How the stability of the columnar phase changes under larger screening lengths. 3. **Verifying the consistency between theoretical results and experimental data**: - Compare the theoretical calculation results with the Brownian dynamics simulation results based on the Yukawa - site model to verify the accuracy of theoretical predictions. - Connect experimental results, especially the research on tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) rods. 4. **Exploring the influence of external orientation fields on phase behavior**: - Analyze how strong external orientation fields affect the stability of each phase, especially how to suppress the isotropic phase to promote the formation of the columnar phase. #### Formula summary: - **Onsager free - energy functional**: \[ \beta F[\rho] = \int \rho(s) \left\{ \ln V \rho(s) - 1 \right\} ds - \frac{1}{2} \int ds \rho(s) \int ds' \rho(s') \Phi(s, s') \] where \(\beta^{-1}=k_{B}T\) is the thermal energy, \(V\) is the thermal volume of the rod, \(\rho\) is the rod density distribution function, and \(\Phi(s, s')\) is the Mayer function. - **Mayer function**: \[ \Phi(\Delta r; \Omega, \Omega') = \exp[-\beta w(\Delta r; \Omega, \Omega')] - 1 \] - **Density distribution after Fourier expansion**: \[ \rho(r, \Omega) = \rho \sum_{k} \sum_{l\geq0} a_{l}(\Omega) \exp[i l q_{k}\cdot r] \] - **Double - curvature condition**: \[ \delta^{2}\beta F = a_{1}^{2}\rho^{2}\int d\Omega f(\Omega) \int d\Omega' f(\Omega') \left( \frac{\delta(\Omega, \Omega')}{\rho f(\Omega)} - \hat{\Phi}(q; \Omega, \Omega') \right) \] - **Total Mayer kernel function (for parallel charged rods)**: \[ \hat{\Phi}_{HCY}(q) = L D^{2}\int ds \Phi_{HCY}(s) \cos(D q\cdot s) \] These formulas help the author quantitatively analyze the stability of different liquid - crystal phases in charged rod - like particle systems and reveal the important influence of charge interactions on phase behavior.