Measurement of charged-particle spectra in Pb+Pb collisions at TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Georges Aad, Brad Abbott, Jalal Abdallah, Samah Abdel Khalek, R Aben, B Abi, M Abolins, OS AbouZeid, H Abramowicz, H Abreu, R Abreu, Y Abulaiti, BS Acharya, L Adamczyk, DL Adams, J Adelman, S Adomeit, T Adye, T Agatonovic-Jovin, JA Aguilar-Saavedra, M Agustoni, SP Ahlen, F Ahmadov, G Aielli, H Akerstedt, TPA Åkesson, G Akimoto, AV Akimov, GL Alberghi, J Albert, S Albrand, MJ Alconada Verzini, M Aleksa, IN Aleksandrov, C Alexa, G Alexander, G Alexandre, T Alexopoulos, Muhammad Alhroob, G Alimonti, L Alio, J Alison, BMM Allbrooke, LJ Allison, PP Allport, A Aloisio, A Alonso, F Alonso, C Alpigiani, A Altheimer, B Alvarez Gonzalez, MG Alviggi, K Amako, Y Amaral Coutinho, C Amelung, D Amidei, SP Amor Dos Santos, A Amorim, S Amoroso, N Amram, G Amundsen, C Anastopoulos, LS Ancu, N Andari, T Andeen, CF Anders, G Anders, KJ Anderson, A Andreazza, V Andrei, XS Anduaga, S Angelidakis, I Angelozzi, P Anger, A Angerami, F Anghinolfi, AV Anisenkov, N Anjos, A Annovi, M Antonelli, A Antonov, J Antos, F Anulli, M Aoki, L Aperio Bella, G Arabidze, Y Arai, JP Araque, ATH Arce, FA Arduh, JF Arguin, S Argyropoulos, M Arik, AJ Armbruster, O Arnaez, V Arnal, H Arnold, M Arratia, O Arslan, A Artamonov, G Artoni, S Asai, N Asbah, A Ashkenazi, B Åsman, L Asquith, K Assamagan, R Astalos, M Atkinson, NB Atlay, B Auerbach, K Augsten, M Aurousseau, G Avolio, B Axen, MK Ayoub, G Azuelos, MA Baak, AE Baas, C Bacci, H Bachacou, K Bachas, M Backes, M Backhaus, P Bagiacchi, Paolo Bagnaia, Y Bai, T Bain, JT Baines, OK Baker, P Balek, T Balestri, F Balli, E Banas, Sw Banerjee, AAE Bannoura, HS Bansil, L Barak, EL Barberio, D Barberis, M Barbero, T Barillari, M Barisonzi, T Barklow, N Barlow, SL Barnes, BM Barnett, RM Barnett, Z Barnovska, A Baroncelli
Abstract:Charged-particle spectra obtained in Pb+ Pb interactions at TeV and pp interactions at TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC are presented, using data with integrated luminosities of 0.15 nb− 1 and 4.2 pb− 1, respectively, in a wide transverse momentum (0. 5< p T< 150 GeV) and pseudorapidity (| η|< 2) range. For Pb+ Pb collisions, the spectra are presented as a function of collision centrality, which is determined by the response of the forward calorimeters located on both sides of the interaction point. The nuclear modification factors R AA and R CP are presented in detail as a function of centrality, p T and η. They show a distinct p T-dependence with a pronounced minimum at about 7 GeV. Above 60 GeV, R AA is consistent with a plateau at a centrality-dependent value, within the uncertainties. The value is 0. 55±0. 01 (stat.)±0. 04 (syst.) in the most central collisions. The R AA distribution is …