Orbital order in ZnV$_2$O$_4$

Tulika Maitra,Roser Valenti
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.126401
Abstract:In view of recent controversy regarding the orbital order in the frustrated spinel ZnV2O4, we analyze the orbital and magnetic groundstate of this system within an ab initio density functional theory approach. While LDA+U calculations in the presence of a cooperative Jahn-Teller distortion stabilize an A-type staggered orbital order, the consideration of relativistic spin-orbit effects unquenches the orbital moment and leads to a uniform orbital order with a net magnetic moment close to the experimental one. Our results show that ab initio calculations are able to resolve the existing discrepancies in previous theories and that it is the spin-orbit coupling alongwith electronic correlations which play a significant role in determining the orbital structure in these materials.
Strongly Correlated Electrons
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is the controversy regarding orbital order in zinc vanadium oxide (ZnV₂O₄). Specifically, the research aims to analyze the orbital and magnetic ground states of ZnV₂O₄ in the low - temperature phase through first - principles density - functional - theory (DFT) calculations, in order to determine which mechanism dominates the formation of orbital order and explain the experimentally observed phenomena. ### Background and Problem Description 1. **Controversy over Orbital Order** - ZnV₂O₄ is a spinel material with a geometrically frustrated structure, and it undergoes structural, orbital, and magnetic phase transitions at low temperatures. - Currently, there is a controversy regarding the nature of orbital order in ZnV₂O₄, and different theoretical models have proposed different orbital arrangement patterns. - The model proposed by Tsunetsugu and Motome predicts an A - type staggered orbital order, but this order does not conform to the space - group symmetry I4₁/amd measured by X - ray scattering experiments. - Tchernyshyov proposed a uniform orbital order, which conforms to the experimentally observed space - group symmetry. 2. **Research Objectives** - Through DFT calculations, especially considering the electron - correlation effect (LDA + U) and relativistic spin - orbit coupling (spin - orbit coupling, SO), to determine the true form of orbital order in ZnV₂O₄. - Explain the differences between different theoretical models and provide a unified picture consistent with experimental results. ### Research Methods - **DFT Calculations**: Calculations were carried out using the local - spin - density approximation (LSDA) and the LSDA + U method, considering the electron - correlation effect. - **Introduction of Spin - Orbit Coupling**: Spin - orbit coupling (LSDA + U + SO) was further added on the basis of LSDA + U to study its effect on orbital order. - **Crystal Structure**: Self - consistent - field calculations were carried out based on the experimentally measured crystal structure (space - group I4₁/amd). ### Main Findings 1. **Results without Spin - Orbit Coupling** - LDA + U calculations show an A - type staggered orbital order compatible with the space - group symmetry I4₁/amd. - This order is jointly driven by Coulomb interactions and Jahn - Teller distortions. 2. **Results after Introduction of Spin - Orbit Coupling** - The LSDA + U + SO calculation results show a uniform orbital order, similar to the orbital state in the cubic phase. - Spin - orbit coupling leads to a non - zero value of the orbital moment, and the orbital moment is antiferromagnetically coupled to the spin moment, and the final total magnetic moment is close to the experimentally observed value. ### Conclusion This research shows that for an accurate description of orbital order in ZnV₂O₄, the combined effects of electron - correlation effects, spin - orbit coupling, and cooperative Jahn - Teller distortions must be considered simultaneously. The combined action of these factors determines the orbital structure of the system and explains the differences between previous theoretical models. The research results support the view of uniform orbital order and provide an explanation consistent with experimental data. ### Formula Summary - **LSDA + U Hamiltonian**: \[ H = H_{\text{LSDA}} + U\sum_i n_{i\uparrow}n_{i\downarrow} \] - **Spin - Orbit Coupling Term**: \[ H_{\text{SO}}=\lambda\mathbf{L}\cdot\mathbf{S} \] where \(\lambda\) is the spin - orbit coupling constant, and \(\mathbf{L}\) and \(\mathbf{S}\) are the orbital angular momentum and spin angular momentum operators respectively. Through these studies, the authors provide an important theoretical basis for understanding orbital order in 3d² systems and demonstrate spin - orbit