Report on the second Mock LISA Data Challenge
Stanislav Babak,John G. Baker,Matthew J. Benacquista,Neil J. Cornish,Jeff Crowder,Curt Cutler,Shane L. Larson,Tyson B. Littenberg,Edward K. Porter,Michele Vallisneri,Alberto Vecchio,Gerard Auger,Leor Barack,Arkadiusz Blaut,Ed Bloomer,Duncan A. Brown,Nelson Christensen,James Clark,Stephen Fairhurst,Jonathan R. Gair,Hubert Halloin,Martin Hendry,Arturo Jimenez,Andrzej Krolak,Ilya Mandel,Chris Messenger,Renate Meyer,Soumya Mohanty,Rajesh Nayak,Antoine Petiteau,Matt Pitkin,Eric Plagnol,Reinhard Prix,Emma L. Robinson,Christian Roever,Pavlin Savov,Alexander Stroeer,Jennifer Toher,John Veitch,Jean-Yves Vinet,Linqing Wen,John T. Whelan,Graham Woan
Abstract:The Mock LISA Data Challenges are a program to demonstrate LISA data-analysis capabilities and to encourage their development. Each round of challenges consists of several data sets containing simulated instrument noise and gravitational-wave sources of undisclosed parameters. Participants are asked to analyze the data sets and report the maximum information about source parameters. The challenges are being released in rounds of increasing complexity and realism: in this proceeding we present the results of Challenge 2, issued in January 2007, which successfully demonstrated the recovery of signals from supermassive black-hole binaries, from ~20,000 overlapping Galactic white-dwarf binaries, and from the extreme-mass-ratio inspirals of compact objects into central galactic black holes.
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology