Arrays is Space to detect Upward Tau and Highest Altitude Showers
Daniele Fargion
Abstract:Ultra High Energy, UHE, upward Tau neutrinos Tau, anti-neutrino Tau, above hundred TeVs and up to tens PeV energies, of relevant astrophysical nature, may lead to UHE Taus and consequent Up-ward Tau air-Showers {UPTAUS} after interaction on Earth crust surface. The UPTAUS discover may open a new UHE Tau Neutrino Astrophysics. A new generation of Gamma, X, optical and Radio Arrays in Space may discover, in the same Auger spirit, such up-coming Air-showers as well as an additional Tau signal: the nearly Horizontal Tau AIR-Shower {HORTAUS} originated by UHE neutrinos tau at 10^{19} eV energies arising from a thin Earth crust corona at few tens of degree below the horizons; a degree above the horizons, there should be over common diffused cosmic ray albedo, an additional High Altitudes (nearly Horizontal) Showers {HIAS}, by more common Cosmic Rays primaries at PeVs up to EeV and ZeV energies, both of hadronic or of electro-magnetic $\gamma$ nature. Mini-arrays detectors in high Altitude Balloons tails facing the horizons and the Earth below may also reveal both UPTAUS, and HIAS, and more rarely HORTAUS. Gamma Burst, Cherenkov flashes and rarer muons observed by high mountains peak arrays or high quota balloon array may better probe UPTAUS and HORTAUS. Present and future X-Gamma satellites as Beppo-Sax may be also able to discover HORTAUS and HIAS discovering transient events by UHE source (as the Crab) while in occultation by Earth. Because of the large shower distances and the Earth magnetic field, HIAS and HORTAUS showers will be split in a {Twin-Beams} fan-shaped wide arc, orthogonal to the terrestrial magnetic field, with a strong azimuths modulation. Gamma bursts with rare single muons or neutrons at the horizon, associated with HIAS, HORTAUS may be discovered by Glast and AMS satellite.
Astrophysics,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology,Space Physics