Multi-parameter singular Radon transforms III: real analytic surfaces
Elias M. Stein,Brian Street
Abstract:The goal of this paper is to study operators of the form, \[ Tf(x)= \psi(x)\int f(\gamma_t(x))K(t)\: dt, \] where $\gamma$ is a real analytic function defined on a neighborhood of the origin in $(t,x)\in \R^N\times \R^n$, satisfying $\gamma_0(x)\equiv x$, $\psi$ is a cutoff function supported near $0\in \R^n$, and $K$ is a "multi-parameter singular kernel" supported near $0\in \R^N$. A main example is when $K$ is a "product kernel." We also study maximal operators of the form, \[ \mathcal{M} f(x) = \psi(x)\sup_{0<\delta_1,..., \delta_N<<1} \int_{|t|<1} |f(\gamma_{\delta_1 t_1,...,\delta_N t_N}(x))|\: dt. \] We show that $\mathcal{M}$ is bounded on $L^p$ ($1<p\leq \infty$). We give conditions on $\gamma$ under which $T$ is bounded on $L^p$ ($1<p<\infty$); these conditions hold automatically when $K$ is a Calderón-Zygmund kernel. This is the final paper in a three part series. The first two papers consider the more general case when $\gamma$ is $C^\infty$.
Classical Analysis and ODEs