Doubly Heavy Baryons and Quark-Diquark Symmetry in Quenched and Partially Quenched Chiral Perturbation Theory

Thomas Mehen,Brian C. Tiburzi
Abstract:We extend the chiral Lagrangian with heavy quark-diquark symmetry to quenched and partially quenched theories. These theories are used to derive formulae for the chiral extrapolation of masses and hyperfine splittings of doubly heavy baryons in lattice QCD simulations. A quark-diquark symmetry prediction for the hyperfine splittings of heavy mesons and doubly heavy baryons is rather insensitive to chiral corrections in both quenched and partially quenched QCD. Extrapolation formulae for the doubly heavy baryon electromagnetic transition moments are also determined for the partially quenched theory.
High Energy Physics - Lattice,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is the chiral extrapolation problem of the mass and hyperfine splitting of doubly heavy baryons in lattice quantum chromodynamics (lattice QCD) simulations. Specifically, the author derives the chiral correction formula for the mass of doubly heavy baryons by extending the chiral Lagrangian containing heavy quark - diquark symmetry to quenched and partially quenched theories. In addition, the author also explores the electromagnetic transition moments of these baryons. ### Main Research Contents 1. **Extension of Chiral Lagrangian**: - The author extends the chiral Lagrangian containing heavy quark - diquark symmetry to quenched and partially quenched theories. - These theories are used to derive the chiral extrapolation formulas for the mass and hyperfine splitting of doubly heavy baryons. 2. **Chiral Correction Calculation**: - The one - loop chiral correction of the mass of doubly heavy baryons is calculated, especially the hyperfine splitting and heavy quark - diquark symmetry predictions. - The one - loop chiral correction formula for the electromagnetic transition moment of doubly heavy baryons in partially quenched theory is derived. 3. **Verification of Heavy Quark - Diquark Symmetry**: - The research shows that the heavy quark - diquark symmetry prediction is very insensitive to the chiral correction of hyperfine splitting and performs well in both quenched and partially quenched QCD. 4. **Analysis of Electromagnetic Transition Moments**: - Using the framework of chiral perturbation theory, the electromagnetic transition moments of the spin - 3/2 doubly heavy baryon ground - state doublet in partially quenched theory are calculated. ### Formula Examples - **Chiral Correction of Hyperfine Splitting**: \[ M_{\Xi^*} = M_0+\frac{1}{4}\Delta_H + M^{(1)}_{\Xi^*}+M^{(3/2)}_{\Xi^*}+\cdots \] \[ M_{\Xi} = M_0-\frac{1}{2}\Delta_H + M^{(1)}_{\Xi}+M^{(3/2)}_{\Xi}+\cdots \] - **Non - Analytic Function \(K(\delta, m, \mu)\)**: \[ K(\delta, m, \mu)=2(\delta^2 - m^2)\left[mR\left(\frac{\delta}{m}\right)-\delta\log\left(\frac{m^2}{\mu^2}\right)\right]+\delta m^2\log\left(\frac{m^2}{\mu^2}\right) \] where, \[ R(x)=\sqrt{x^2 - 1}\log\left(\frac{x-\sqrt{x^2 - 1}+i\epsilon}{x+\sqrt{x^2 - 1}+i\epsilon}\right) \] ### Conclusion This paper provides an important theoretical basis for understanding the mass and hyperfine splitting of doubly heavy baryons, especially in the chiral limit and heavy quark limit. The research results are helpful for explaining experimental data and provide theoretical support for future lattice QCD simulations.