An inner disk below the ADAF: the intermediate spectral state of black hole accretion

B.F. Liu,; F. Meyer,E. Meyer-Hofmeister
Abstract:Aims: The hard and soft spectral states of black hole accretion are understood as connected with ADAF accretion (truncated disk) and standard disk accretion, respectively. However, observations indicate the existence of cool gas in the inner region at times when the disk is already truncated outside. We try to shed light on these not yet understood intermediate states. Methods: The disk-corona model allows to understand the spectral state transitions as caused by changes of the mass flow rate in the disk and provides a picture for the accretion geometry when disk truncation starts at the time of the soft/hard transition, the formation of a gap in the disk filled by an advection-dominated flow (ADAF) at the distance where the evaporation is maximal. We study the interaction of such an ADAF with an inner thin disk below. Results: We show that, when the accretion rate is not far below the transition rate, an inner disk could exist below an ADAF, leading to an intermediate state of black hole accretion.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is related to the intermediate spectral state (Intermediate Spectral State) that occurs during the black - hole accretion process. Specifically, the paper focuses on a not - yet - fully - understood state that exists between the standard hard state (Hard State) and the soft state (Soft State). These intermediate states usually appear during the transition from one spectral state to another and last for a relatively long time, which cannot be simply explained by the dissipation or formation of the disk. ### Research Background 1. **Understanding of the Hard State and the Soft State**: - Hard State: It is considered to be due to the accretion flow being mainly an advection - dominated accretion flow (ADAF, Advection - Dominated Accretion Flow), that is, a truncated disk. - Soft State: It is considered to be the result of standard thin - disk accretion, with the thin disk extending to the innermost stable orbit, producing a characteristic multi - temperature black - body spectrum. 2. **Existence of the Intermediate State**: - Observations show that there is an intermediate state between the hard state and the soft state. In this state, reflection lines and Fe Kα lines can be seen, indicating the presence of cold matter in the inner region. - These intermediate states tend to last for a long time, far exceeding the viscous time scale of the disk, so they cannot be explained only by the dissipation or formation of the disk. ### Research Purpose The main purpose of the paper is to explore whether there is an inner thin disk above the ADAF, thereby explaining these intermediate spectral states. Specifically: - **Research Question**: When the accretion rate is close to but slightly lower than the critical transition rate, can an inner thin disk exist below the ADAF, resulting in the intermediate state during the black - hole accretion process? ### Methods and Results 1. **Methods**: - Use the disk - corona model (Disk - Corona Model) to explain that the transition of the spectral state is caused by the change of the mass flow in the disk. - Study the interaction between the ADAF and the thin disk below, especially the influence of thermal conduction on the electron temperature and the cooling process. 2. **Results**: - When the accretion rate is close to but slightly lower than the critical transition rate, an inner thin disk can exist below the ADAF. - The existence of the inner thin disk can be maintained by the thermal conduction and cooling processes, allowing the matter in the ADAF to condense into the disk. - This structure can explain the observed intermediate spectral states, such as the existence of reflection lines and Fe Kα lines. ### Conclusion The paper proposes a new accretion - flow feature, that is, the advection - dominated accretion flow (ADAF) affected by thermal conduction. The research shows that in the inner region, hot matter can condense from the ADAF into the disk, allowing cold matter to coexist with the already - formed ADAF, which explains the observed intermediate spectral states. Through these analyses, the authors provide a new perspective for understanding the complex geometric structures and physical mechanisms in the black - hole accretion process, especially during the transition stage between the hard state and the soft state.