Interacting Bose gases in quasi-one dimensional optical lattices

M. A. Cazalilla,A. F. Ho,T. Giamarchi
Abstract:We study a two-dimensional array of coupled one-dimensional (1D) tubes of interacting bosons. Such systems can be produced by loading ultra-cold atoms in anisotropic optical lattices. We investigate the effects of coupling the tubes via hopping of the bosons (i.e. Josephson coupling). In the absence of a periodic potential along the tubes, or when such potential is incommensurate with the boson density, the system undergoes a transition from an array of incoherent Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids at high temperature to an anisotropic Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), at low temperature. We determine the transition temperature and long wave-length excitations of the BEC. In addition to the usual gapless (Goldstone) mode found in standard superfluids, we also find a gapped mode associated with fluctuations of the amplitude of the order parameter. When a commensurate periodic potential is applied along the tubes, they can become 1D Mott insulators. Intertube hopping leads to a deconfinement quantum phase transition between the 1D Mott insulators and the anisotropic BEC. We also take into account the finite size of the gas tubes as realized in actual experiments. We map out the phase diagram of the quasi-1D lattice and compare our results with the existing experiments on such systems.
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics,Statistical Mechanics
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to understand the behavior of interacting Bose gases in quasi - one - dimensional (quasi - 1D) optical lattices, especially the phase - transition process from normal Bose gases to Bose - Einstein condensates (BEC) under low - temperature conditions. Specifically, the main research problems include: 1. **Phase transition and long - wave excitation**: - When there is no periodic potential along the tube direction or when this potential does not match the boson density, the system transforms from an incoherent Tomonaga - Luttinger liquid at high temperatures to an anisotropic BEC at low temperatures. - Determine the transition temperature of BEC and long - wavelength excitation. In addition to the gapless (Goldstone) mode in the standard superfluid, a gapped mode related to the order - parameter amplitude fluctuation has been found. 2. **Josephson coupling effect**: - Explore the influence of coupling between tubes through boson hopping (i.e., Josephson coupling). - When a periodic potential compatible with the boson density is applied, the tubes can become one - dimensional Mott insulators. Hopping across tubes leads to a deconfined quantum phase transition from one - dimensional Mott insulators to anisotropic BEC. 3. **Finite - size effect**: - Consider the influence of the finite size of the gas tubes in actual experiments on the phase diagram of the system. The author points out that in a finite one - dimensional Bose - gas array, there is an additional energy scale, below which the hopping of atoms between tubes is actually blocked. 4. **Comparison between theory and experiment**: - Map out the phase diagram of the quasi - one - dimensional lattice and compare the results with existing experiments, especially to explain the characteristics of the deconfined phase - transition that may be observed in the experiments of the ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich) group. ### Key formulas - **Effective Hamiltonian**: \[ H_{\text{eff}}=\frac{\hbar v_s}{2\pi}\sum_R\int_0^L dx\left[K(\partial_x\theta_R(x))^2+\frac{1}{K}(\partial_x\phi_R(x))^2\right]+\frac{\hbar v_s g_u}{2\pi a^2}\sum_R\int_0^L dx\cos(2\phi_R(x)+\delta\pi x)-\frac{\hbar v_s g_J}{2\pi a^2}\sum_{\langle R,R'\rangle}\int_0^L dx\cos(\theta_R(x)-\theta_{R'}(x)) \] - **Josephson coupling strength**: \[ J\approx 4E_R\sqrt{\pi}\left(\frac{V_{0\perp}}{E_R}\right)^{3/4}e^{-2\sqrt{\frac{V_{0\perp}}{E_R}}} \] - **Condensation fraction**: \[ \psi_c = \rho_0^{1/2}\left[\frac{p + 1}{8}(\kappa(p))^{p+1}\tan\left(\frac{\pi p}{2}\right)\eta^{p+1}\left(\frac{Jz_C}{\hbar v_s\rho_0}\right)^p\right]^{\frac{1}{1 - p}} \] These formulas help describe the behavior of the system under different conditions and provide a theoretical basis for understanding the experimental results.