Scattering of $^{7}$Be and $^{8}$B and the astrophysical S$_{17}$ factor
G. Tabacaru,A. Azhari,J. Brinkley,V. Burjan,F. Carstoiu,Changbo Fu,C.A. Gagliardi,V. Kroha,A.M. Mukhamedzhanov,X. Tang,L. Trache,R.E. Tribble,S. Zhou
Abstract:Measurements of scattering of $^{7}$Be at 87 MeV on a melamine (C$_{3}$N$ _{6}$H$_{6}$) target and of $^{8}$B at 95 MeV on C were performed. For $^{7}$Be the angular range was extended over previous measurements and monitoring of the intensity of the radioactive beam was improved. The measurements allowed us to check and improve the optical model potentials used in the incoming and outgoing channels for the analysis of existing data on the proton transfer reaction $^{14}$N($^{7}$Be,$^{8}$B)$^{13}$C. The resultslead to an updated determination of the asymptotic normalization coefficient for the virtual decay $^{8}$B $\to$ $^{7}$Be + $p$. We find a slightly larger value, $C_{tot}^{2}(^{8}B)=0.466\pm 0.047$ fm$^{-1}$, for the melamine target. This implies an astrophysical factor, $S_{17}(0)=18.0\pm 1.8$ eV$\cdot$b, for the solar neutrino generating reaction $^{7}$Be($p$,$\gamma $)$^{8}$B.
Nuclear Experiment