Monte Carlo Calculation for the neutron-rich Ca isotopes

S. Gandolfi,F. Pederiva,S. a Beccara
Abstract:We computed ground-state energies of calcium isotopes from 42Ca to 48Ca by means of the Auxiliary Field Diffusion Monte Carlo (AFDMC) method. Calculations were performed by replacing the 40Ca core with a mean-field self consistent potential computed using Skyrme interaction. The energy of the external neutrons is calculated by projecting the ground-state from a wave function built with the single particle orbitals computed in the self consistent external potential. The shells considered were the 1F_7/2 and the 1F_5/2. The Hamiltonian employed is semi-realistic and includes tensor, spin--orbit and three--body forces. While absolute binding energies are too deep if compared with experimental data, the differences between the energies for nearly all isotopes are in very good agreement with the experimental data.
Nuclear Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is the logical reasoning problem regarding topological relations between spatial regions. Specifically, the author introduced a class of modal logics, which use eight modal operators to interpret Egenhofer - Franzosa (or RCC8) relations that define the interactions between regions in a topological space (such as the real plane). ### Main problems of the paper 1. **Expressive power**: - The author studied the expressive power and computational complexity of the logics obtained in this way. - The results show that their modal logics have the same expressive power as the two - variable fragment of first - order logic, but are exponentially less concise than the latter. 2. **Computational complexity**: - The complexity ranges from (undecidable but) recursively enumerable to \(\Pi_1^1\)-hard. - The recursively enumerable logics are obtained by considering sub - structures of the structures induced by topological spaces. - The author's undecidability results also cover logics based on the real line, thus improving Halpern and Shoham's undecidability results for interval temporal logics. 3. **Modal logics of RCC5 relations**: - The author also analyzed the modal logics based on five RCC5 relations and obtained similar expressive power results, but with weaker complexity. ### Main contributions - **Systematically introduced modal logics of topological relations**: In order to solve the problem of topological relations between spatial regions, the author systematically introduced a new class of modal logics. - **Analysis of expressive power and computational complexity**: Analyzed in detail the expressive power and computational complexity of these logics and proved that they are undecidable in some cases. - **Extension of existing work**: By introducing modal logics based on RCC8 and RCC5 relations, the author extended the existing spatio - temporal reasoning framework, especially improving the work of Halpern and Shoham. ### Formula representation To ensure the correctness and readability of the formulas, the following are some key formulas involved in the paper: - Definition of RCC8 relations: \[ (s, t) \in \text{dc} \iff s \cap t=\emptyset \] \[ (s, t) \in \text{ec} \iff I(s) \cap I(t)=\emptyset \land s \cap t\neq\emptyset \] \[ (s, t) \in \text{po} \iff I(s) \cap I(t)\neq\emptyset \land s\nsubseteq t \land t\nsubseteq s \] \[ (s, t) \in \text{eq} \iff s = t \] \[ (s, t) \in \text{tpp} \iff s\subseteq t \land s\nsubseteq I(t) \land s\neq t \] \[ (s, t) \in \text{ntpp} \iff s\subseteq I(t) \land s\neq t \] \[ (s, t) \in \text{tppi} \iff (t, s) \in \text{tpp} \] \[ (s, t) \in \text{ntppi} \iff (t, s) \in \text{ntpp} \] - Conversion of first - order logic expressions: \[ \phi_n:=\forall x\forall y\left(\bigwedge_{i < n}(p_i(x)\leftrightarrow p_i(y))\rightarrow(p_n(x)\leftrightarrow p_n(y))\right)