Atomic entanglement generation with reduced decoherence via four-wave mixing

C. Genes,P. R. Berman
Abstract:In most proposals for the generation of entanglement in large ensembles of atoms via projective measurements, the interaction with the vacuum is responsible for both the generation of the signal that is detected and the spin depolarization or decoherence. In consequence, one has to usually work in a regime where the information aquisition via detection is sufficiently slow (weak measurement regime) such as not to strongly disturb the system. We propose here a four-wave mixing scheme where, owing to the pumping of the atomic system into a dark state, the polarization of the ensemble is not critically affected by spontaneous emission, thus allowing one to work in a strong measurement regime.
Quantum Physics
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is: when generating a large number of entangled states of atomic ensembles through projection measurement, how to reduce the influence of decoherence. Specifically, the author proposes a four - wave mixing scheme. By pumping the atomic system into a dark state, the polarization of the ensemble is not severely affected by spontaneous emission, thereby allowing it to work in a strong - measurement regime. ### Problem Background In most schemes for generating entangled states through projection measurement, the interaction with the vacuum is responsible for both generating a detectable signal and causing spin depolarization or decoherence. Therefore, it is usually necessary to work in a weak - measurement regime to ensure that the system is not strongly perturbed. However, this limits the degree of entanglement that can be achieved. ### Solution Proposed in the Paper This paper proposes a scheme based on four - wave mixing (FWM). By pumping the atomic system into a dark state, the polarization of the ensemble is not severely affected by spontaneous emission. In this way, it can work in a strong - measurement regime, thereby improving the quality and efficiency of entanglement. ### Main Contributions 1. **Reducing Decoherence**: By selecting an appropriate driving - field configuration, the system is kept in a dark state, thereby avoiding the decoherence effect of spontaneous emission on the system. 2. **Strong - Measurement Regime**: Due to the reduced influence of decoherence, it can work in a strong - measurement regime, thereby obtaining a stronger entanglement effect. 3. **Squeezing Parameter Close to the Heisenberg Limit**: Under the assumption of perfect detection, a squeezing parameter close to the Heisenberg limit can be obtained, achieving efficient quantum - state squeezing. ### Formula Summary - Coherence Preservation under Dark - State Conditions: \[ \sigma_{23}(t)=\frac{\Lambda_1^*(r,t)\Lambda_2(r,t)\Lambda_p(r,t)}{\Delta\Delta_p\delta}[\sigma_{11}-\sigma_{22}] \] - Polarization Source of the Signal Field: \[ \hat{P}(z,t)=\hbar n_a d_{23}f(t)[\sigma_{11}(z)-\sigma_{22}(z)] \] - Effective Hamiltonian: \[ H_{\text{eff}}(t)=\hbar b(t)\left(\int dk_z d^\dagger_y(k_z)e^{i(\omega_k-\Omega)t}\right)S_z+\text{h.c.} \] Through these methods, the paper shows how to achieve efficient quantum - state squeezing and entanglement generation while reducing decoherence.