Scaling Characteristics of Azimuthal Anisotropy at RHIC

Michael Issah,Arkadij Taranenko
Abstract:Recent differential measurements of elliptic flow are used to probe several hydrodynamic scaling predictions. Eccentricity scaling is observed for Cu+Cu and Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=~200$ GeV, suggesting essentially complete thermalization of the high energy density matter produced in these collisions. An estimate of the speed of sound is also obtained from the eccentricity scaled elliptic flow. The predicted mass scaling is observed for particles with transverse kinetic energy KE$_T$ up to $\sim 1$ GeV. For KE$_T$ values above $\sim 1$ GeV, valence quark number scaling compatible with partonic degrees of freedom is observed.
Nuclear Experiment
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is how to significantly enhance the persistent current in mesoscopic metal rings and cylinders by introducing the higher - order hopping integral, even in the presence of disorder. Specifically: 1. **Research Background**: Since 1960, research on magnetic responses in mesoscopic metal rings has revealed many novel phenomena caused by electron phase coherence. Studies by Büttiker, Imry, and Landauer have shown that a small isolated normal - metal ring will carry a non - attenuating equilibrium current when a slowly varying magnetic flux \( \phi \) passes through it, even in the presence of impurities. This current varies periodically with \( \phi \), showing \( \phi_0 \) flux - quantum periodicity. 2. **Existing Problems**: Despite many theoretical studies, there are still large differences between experimental results and theoretical predictions. For example, the average current of a single isolated ring measured experimentally is one to two orders of magnitude larger than the ensemble - average persistent current predicted by the free - electron theory. In addition, the sign of the current (paramagnetic or diamagnetic) observed in experiments is also inconsistent with theoretical predictions. 3. **Paper Objectives**: This paper studies the influence of introducing the higher - order hopping integral on the persistent current in the tight - binding model. The author hopes to explain the following problems: - Whether introducing the higher - order hopping integral can significantly enhance the persistent current in the presence of disorder. - How the sign of the persistent current (paramagnetic or diamagnetic) depends on the number of electrons \( N_e \) and the disorder configuration. - The variation law of the persistent current amplitude under different system sizes. 4. **Specific Methods**: The author uses the tight - binding Hamiltonian, considering the nearest - neighbor hopping (NNH) and the second - neighbor hopping (SNH). Through numerical calculations, the energy spectra and persistent - current characteristics under different conditions are studied, including the cases of perfect rings and disordered rings. 5. **Expected Results**: The author hopes that by introducing the higher - order hopping integral, the persistent current can be significantly enhanced in the presence of disorder, and the inconsistent current - sign phenomenon observed in experiments can be explained. In summary, this paper aims to explain and predict the behavior of the persistent current in mesoscopic metal rings and cylinders by introducing the higher - order hopping integral, especially the enhancement mechanism in the presence of disorder and the dependence of the current sign.