Average characteristic polynomials for multiple orthogonal polynomial ensembles
Steven Delvaux
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.0907.0156
Abstract:Multiple orthogonal polynomials (MOP) are a non-definite version of matrix orthogonal polynomials. They are described by a Riemann-Hilbert matrix Y consisting of four blocks Y_{1,1}, Y_{1,2}, Y_{2,1} and Y_{2,2}. In this paper, we show that det Y_{1,1} (det Y_{2,2}) equals the average characteristic polynomial (average inverse characteristic polynomial, respectively) over the probabilistic ensemble that is associated to the MOP. In this way we generalize classical results for orthogonal polynomials, and also some recent results for MOP of type I and type II. We then extend our results to arbitrary products and ratios of characteristic polynomials. In the latter case an important role is played by a matrix-valued version of the Christoffel-Darboux kernel. Our proofs use determinantal identities involving Schur complements, and adaptations of the classical results by Heine, Christoffel and Uvarov.
Classical Analysis and ODEs