O.G. Chkhetiani,M. Hnatič,E. Jurcisinova,M. Jurcisin,A. Mazzino,M. Repasan
Abstract:The influence of helicity on the stability of scaling regimes, on the effective diffusivity, and on the anomalous scaling of structure functions of a passive scalar advected by a Gaussian solenoidal velocity field with finite correlation time is investigated by the field theoretic renormalization group and operator product expansion within two-loop approximation. The influence of helicity on the scaling regimes is discussed and shown in the plane of exponents $\epsilon-\eta$, where $\epsilon$ characterizes the energy spectrum of the velocity field in the inertial range $E\propto k^{1-2\epsilon}$, and $\eta$ is related to the correlation time at the wave number $k$ which is scaled as $k^{-2+\eta}$. The restrictions given by nonzero helicity on the regions with stable fixed points which correspond to the scaling regimes are analyzed in detail. The dependence of the effective diffusivity on the helicity parameter is discussed. The anomalous exponents of the structure functions of the passive scalar field which define their anomalous scaling are calculated and it is shown that although the separate composite operators which define them strongly depend on the helicity parameter the resulting two-loop contributions to the critical dimensions of the structure functions are independent of helicity. Details of calculations are shown.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to study the influence of helicity on the anomalous scaling properties of passive scalars in turbulent velocity fields. Specifically, through the field - theoretic renormalization group (FTRG) and operator product expansion (OPE) methods, the authors explored how helicity affects the following aspects under the two - loop approximation:
1. **Stability of scaling behavior**: Study the influence of helicity on the stability of different scaling regions, especially in the parameter plane \(\varepsilon-\eta\), where \(\varepsilon\) describes the characteristics of the velocity - field energy spectrum in the inertial range \(E\propto k^{1 - 2\varepsilon}\), and \(\eta\) is related to the correlation time at wave number \(k\), that is \(k^{-2+\eta}\).
2. **Effective diffusivity**: Analyze the influence of helicity parameters on effective diffusivity.
3. **Anomalous scaling exponents of structure functions**: Calculate the anomalous scaling exponents of passive scalar - field structure functions and explore whether these exponents depend on helicity parameters.
### Main conclusions
- **Influence of helicity on anomalous scaling exponents**: Although the individual composite operators strongly depend on helicity parameters, the results of the critical dimension under the two - loop approximation show that the anomalous scaling exponents of structure functions are independent of helicity.
- **Effective diffusivity**: The effective diffusivity significantly depends on helicity parameters.
### Research background
- **Turbulence theory**: The Kolmogorov - Obukhov (KO) theory is the basis of turbulence research, but experimental and theoretical studies have shown that actual turbulence may deviate from the scaling laws predicted by the KO theory. This phenomenon is called intermittency or anomalous scaling.
- **Simplified models**: In order to better understand intermittency and anomalous scaling in turbulence, researchers have proposed a variety of simplified models, such as the stochastic Burgers equation, shell - model, and passive scalar - transport models driven by randomly synthesized velocity fields.
- **Importance of helicity**: Helicity is the scalar product of velocity and vorticity, and its non - zero value indicates the mirror - symmetry breaking of turbulent flow. Helicity plays an important role in magnetohydrodynamics, for example, the turbulent dynamo effect of generating magnetic fields in conducting fluids.
### Methods
- **Field - theoretic renormalization group**: Study the ultraviolet divergence and multi - scale behavior of the model through the FTRG method.
- **Operator product expansion**: Calculate the anomalous scaling exponents of structure functions using the OPE method.
### Structure
- **Model definition**: Define the stochastic transport equation of the passive scalar field \(\theta\) and its related statistical properties.
- **Field - theoretic formulation**: Transform the stochastic problem into a field - theoretic model and give the action functional \(S(\Phi)\).
- **Ultraviolet renormalization**: Analyze the ultraviolet divergence of the model, establish multiple renormalizability, and calculate the renormalization constants.
- **Scaling behavior**: Analyze the possible scaling regions of the model and determine the scaling behavior related to non - trivial and physically acceptable fixed points.
- **Effective diffusivity**: Calculate the effective diffusivity under the two - loop approximation.
- **Renormalization of composite operators**: Calculate the renormalization of the required composite operators and show their explicit dependence on helicity parameters.
- **Result discussion**: Discuss the main results and their physical significance.
This research not only deepens the understanding of the role of helicity in turbulence but also provides a theoretical basis for more complex turbulence models in the future.