Abstract:We theoretically investigate electron transport through an Aharonov-Bohm interferometer containing laterally coupled double quantum dots. We introduce the indirect coupling parameter $\alpha$, which characterizes the strength of the coupling via the reservoirs between two quantum dots. $|\alpha|=1$ indicates the strongest coupling, where only a single mode contributes to the transport in the system. Two conduction modes exist in a system where $|\alpha|\neq 1$. The interference effects such as the Fano resonance and the Aharonov-Bohm oscillation are suppressed as the absolute value of the parameter $\alpha$ decreases from 1. The linear conductance does not depend on the flux when $\alpha=0$ since it corresponds to independent coupling of the dots to the reservoir modes.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problems that this paper attempts to solve are as follows: It studies the electron transport properties through an Aharonov - Bohm (AB) interferometer containing laterally - coupled double quantum dots (DQD), especially the influence of introducing the indirect coupling parameter α on the transport properties. Specifically, the paper focuses on the following aspects:
1. **The role of the indirect coupling parameter α**:
- The indirect coupling parameter α is introduced to characterize the coupling strength between the two quantum dots through the reservoir.
- When |α| = 1, there is only one conduction mode in the system; when |α|≠1, there are two conduction modes.
- As |α| decreases, interference effects such as Fano resonance and AB oscillation are gradually suppressed.
2. **Flux - dependence of linear conductance**:
- The dependence of linear conductance on magnetic flux under different α values is studied.
- When α = 0, the linear conductance is independent of magnetic flux, and the visibility of AB oscillation is zero.
3. **Energy - dependence**:
- The linear conductance at different energy levels is analyzed, especially the behavior in the weak - coupling and strong - coupling regions.
- When |α| = 1, the linear conductance can achieve perfect transmission (G/Gq = 1) under certain conditions, while when |α|≠1, additional peak structures will appear.
4. **Tunneling current in an asymmetric AB interferometer**:
- The influence of different α values on AB oscillation in an asymmetric AB interferometer (i.e., γU≠γL or φU≠φL) is explored.
- It is found that the asymmetric magnetic flux will cause a change in the AB oscillation period, and complete destruction of interference still exists in some cases.
### Formula summary
- The indirect coupling parameter α is defined as:
- The formula for linear conductance:
G(\epsilon_0, t_c, \alpha, \phi)=G_qT(0)
G_q = \frac{e^2}{h}
T(0)=\frac{2(\hbar\gamma)^2\left[\epsilon_0^2(1 + \alpha^2\cos\phi)-4\alpha\epsilon_0t_c\cos\left(\frac{\phi}{2}\right)+(1 + \alpha^2)t_c^2+(\hbar\gamma)^2(1 - \alpha^2)\left\{1 - \alpha^2\cos^2\left(\frac{\phi}{2}\right)\right\}\right]}{\left[\epsilon_0^2 - t_c^2-(\hbar\gamma)^2\left\{1 - \alpha^2\cos^2\left(\frac{\phi}{2}\right)\right\}\right]^2+4(\hbar\gamma)^2\left[\epsilon_0-\alpha t_c\cos\left(\frac{\phi}{2}\right)\right]^2}
Through these studies, the paper reveals the important influence of the indirect coupling parameter α on the electron transport behavior in the AB interferometer containing laterally - coupled double quantum dots, providing a theoretical basis for further understanding of quantum - coherent transport.