Hysteresis phenomenon in turbulent convection

A. Eidelman,T. Elperin,N. Kleeorin,A. Markovich,I. Rogachevskii
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00348-006-0109-x
Abstract:Coherent large-scale circulations of turbulent thermal convection in air have been studied experimentally in a rectangular box heated from below and cooled from above using Particle Image Velocimetry. The hysteresis phenomenon in turbulent convection was found by varying the temperature difference between the bottom and the top walls of the chamber (the Rayleigh number was changed within the range of $10^7 - 10^8$). The hysteresis loop comprises the one-cell and two-cells flow patterns while the aspect ratio is kept constant ($A=2 - 2.23$). We found that the change of the sign of the degree of the anisotropy of turbulence was accompanied by the change of the flow pattern. The developed theory of coherent structures in turbulent convection (Elperin et al. 2002; 2005) is in agreement with the experimental observations. The observed coherent structures are superimposed on a small-scale turbulent convection. The redistribution of the turbulent heat flux plays a crucial role in the formation of coherent large-scale circulations in turbulent convection.
Fluid Dynamics
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is **how to achieve deterministic quantum state transfer from electron - charge qubits to photon - polarization qubits**. Specifically, the author proposes a device based on three quantum dots and a microwave resonator, which is used to transfer an unknown single - qubit state from the electron - charge degree of freedom to the photon - polarization degree of freedom. This process is deterministic, does not require post - selection, and can be efficiently completed in theory. ### Problem Background In quantum information processing, quantum state transfer is a crucial operation from a material system (such as electrons or atoms) to a photon system. This enables quantum states to be transmitted between different locations and allows for the construction of quantum communication and quantum networks over long distances. The focus of this paper is on the transfer from charge qubits to photon - polarization qubits. ### Main Contributions 1. **Deterministic Quantum State Transfer**: Different from previous methods that require post - selection, this paper proposes a deterministic method, that is, each operation can successfully complete the quantum state transfer without additional selection steps. 2. **Fast Transfer**: By optimizing parameters, the quantum state transfer can be completed within several optical cycles, which is very important for practical applications. 3. **Robustness Analysis Against Decoherence**: The influence of decoherence caused by the coupling of charge qubits with phonons or other background noises on the fidelity of quantum state transfer is studied. The results show that under certain conditions, even if the decoherence rate is as high as 10% of the emission rate, the fidelity can still be maintained above 0.9. ### Formula Summary - The initial state is: \[ |\Psi_{\text{in}}\rangle = (\alpha |A'\rangle + \beta |B'\rangle) |0\rangle \] - The final target state is: \[ |\Psi_{\text{final}}\rangle = |O\rangle (\alpha |+\rangle + \beta |-\rangle) \] - The fidelity is defined as: \[ F = \langle \Psi_{\text{final}} | \rho | \Psi_{\text{final}} \rangle = 1 - \text{Tr} \tilde{\rho} \] - The fidelity decay rate in the long - time limit is: \[ \alpha = 2 \min(|\text{Re}(\mu_i)|) \] - The asymptotic limit of the final fidelity under the influence of decoherence is: \[ F_\infty = \begin{cases} 1 - A \Gamma_\phi & \text{if } \Gamma_\phi \ll \Gamma, T, g \\ \frac{1}{2} + B \Gamma_\phi^{-4} & \text{if } \Gamma_\phi \gg \Gamma, T, g \end{cases} \] ### Conclusion The mechanism proposed in this paper shows how to achieve deterministic quantum state transfer from charge qubits to photon - polarization qubits in a microwave cavity by coupling the dynamics of electrons and photons. Although there is the influence of decoherence, under appropriate parameter settings, this mechanism can still maintain a high fidelity, showing its potential application prospects in quantum information processing.