Trion Formation Dynamics in Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
Akshay Singh,Galan Moody,Kha Tran,Marie Scott,Vincent Overbeck,Gunnar Berghäuser,John Schaibley,Edward J. Seifert,Dennis Pleskot,Nathaniel M. Gabor,Jiaqiang Yan,David G. Mandrus,Marten Richter,Ermin Malic,Xiaodong Xu,Xiaoqin Li
Abstract:We report charged exciton (trion) formation dynamics in doped monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), specifically molybdenum diselenide (MoSe2), using resonant two-color pump-probe spectroscopy. When resonantly pumping the exciton transition, trions are generated on a picosecond timescale through exciton-electron interaction. As the pump energy is tuned from the high energy to low energy side of the inhomogeneously broadened exciton resonance, the trion formation time increases by ~ 50%. This feature can be explained by the existence of both localized and delocalized excitons in a disordered potential and suggests the existence of an exciton mobility edge in TMDs. The quasiparticle formation and conversion processes are important for interpreting photoluminescence and photoconductivity in TMDs.
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics,Materials Science