Planck Intermediate Results - XXXI. Microwave Survey of Galactic Supernova Remnants
M. Arnaud,M. Ashdown,F. Atrio-Barandela,J. Aumont,C. Baccigalupi,A. J. Banday,R. B. Barreiro,E. Battaner,K. Benabed,A. Benoit-Levy,J. -P Bernard,M. Bersanelli,P. Bielewicz,J. Bobin,J. R. Bond,J. Borrill,F. R. Bouchet,C. L. Brogan,C. Burigana,J. -F. Cardoso,A. Catalano,A. Chamballu,H. C. Chiang,P. R. Christensen,S. Colombi,L. P. L. Colombo,B. P. Crill,A. Curto,F. Cuttaia,R. D. Davies,R. J. Davis,P. de Bernardis,A. de Rosa,G. de Zotti,J. Delabrouille,F. -X. Desert,C. Dickinson,J. M. Diego,S. Donzelli,O. Dore,X. Dupac,T. A. Ensslin,H. K. Eriksen,F. Finelli,O. Forni,M. Frailis,A. A. Fraisse,E. Franceschi,S. Galeotta,K. Ganga,M. Giard,Y. Giraud-Heraud,J. Gonzalez-Nuevo,K. M. Gorski,A. Gregorio,A. Gruppuso,F. K. Hansen,D. L. Harrison,C. Hernandez-Monteagudo,D. Herranz,S. R. Hildebrandt,M. Hobson,W. A. Holmes,K. M. Huffenberger,A. H. Jaffe,T. R. Jaffe,E. Keihaenen,R. Keskitalo,T. S. Kisner,R. Kneissl,J. Knoche,M. Kunz,H. Kurki-Suonio,A. Lahteenmaki,J. -M. Lamarre,A. Lasenby,C. R. Lawrence,R. Leonardi,M. Liguori,P. B. Lilje,M. Linden-Vornle,M. Lopez-Caniego,P. M. Lubin,D. Maino,M. Maris,D. J. Marshall,P. G. Martin,E. Martinez-Gonzalez,S. Masi,S. Matarrese,P. Mazzotta,A. Melchiorri,L. Mendes,A. Mennella,M. Migliaccio,M-A Miville-Deschenes,A. Moneti,L. Montier,G. Morgante,D. Mortlock,D. Munshi,J. A. Murphy,P. Naselsky,F. Nati,E. Noviello,D. Novikov,I. Novikov,N. Oppermann,C. A. Oxborrow,L. Pagano,F. Pajot,R. Paladini,F. Pasian,M. Peel,O. Perdereau,F. Perrotta,F. Piacentini,M. Piat,D. Pietrobon,S. Plaszczynski,E. Pointecouteau,G. Polenta,L. Popa,G. W. Pratt,J. -L. Puget,J. P. Rachen,W. T. Reach,W. Reich,M. Reinecke,M. Remazeilles,C. Renault,J. Rho,S. Ricciardi,T. Riller,I. Ristorcelli,G. Rocha,C. Rosset,G. Roudier,B. Rusholme,M. Sandri,G. Savini,D. Scott,V. Stolyarov,D. Sutton,A. -S. Suur-Uski,J. -F. Sygnet,J. A. Tauber,L. Terenzi,L. Toffolatti,M. Tomasi,M. Tristram,M. Tucci,G. Umana,L. Valenziano,J. Valiviita,B. Van Tent,P. Vielva,F. Villa,L. A. Wade,D. Yvon,A. Zacchei,A. Zonca
Abstract:The all-sky Planck survey in 9 frequency bands was used to search for emission from all 274 known Galactic supernova remnants. Of these, 16 were detected in at least two Planck frequencies. The radio-through-microwave spectral energy distributions were compiled to determine the mechanism for microwave emission. In only one case, IC 443, is there high-frequency emission clearly from dust associated with the supernova remnant. In all cases, the low-frequency emission is from synchrotron radiation. As predicted for a population of relativistic particles with energy distribution that extends continuously to high energies, a single power law is evident for many sources, including the Crab and PKS 1209-51/52. A decrease in flux density relative to the extrapolation of radio emission is evident in several sources. Their spectral energy distributions can be approximated as broken power laws, S-v proportional to v(-alpha), with the spectral index, alpha, increasing by 0.5-1 above a break frequency in the range 10-60 GHz. The break could be due to synchrotron losses.