Large Sieve Inequalities for Characters to Square Moduli

Liangyi Zhao
Abstract:In this paper, we develop a large sieve type inequality with characters to square moduli. One expects that the result should be weaker than the classical inequality, but, conjecturally at least, not by much. The method is generalizable to higher power moduli.
Number Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The core problem that this paper attempts to solve is to select and determine a special version of the Standard Model through high - energy unitarity, especially a special form of strong interactions. Specifically, the author believes that high - energy unitarity can be used as a constraint to pick out a particular version of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), called QCD S, and introduces a new sextet quark sector to explain electroweak symmetry breaking. The following is a summary of the main content of the paper: 1. **High - energy unitarity and the selection of QCD**: - The paper points out that high - energy unitarity can select a special version of QCD (QCD S) with experimentally appealing characteristics as the strong interaction theory. - This special version of QCD requires the introduction of a new sextet quark sector to produce electroweak symmetry breaking. 2. **Electroweak symmetry breaking**: - The new sextet quark sector can lead to electroweak symmetry breaking and predict large cross - section effects at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). - These sextet quarks are embedded in a left - handed SU(5) grand unified theory (GUT S), which can eliminate the electroweak anomalies of the sextet and almost completely contain the lepton and triplet quark sectors in the Standard Model. 3. **Infra - red chirality transitions and the role of the Dirac sea**: - The role of infra - red chirality transitions in the massless Dirac sea is a crucial dynamical factor. - At high energies, chiral transitions with zero momentum will produce states and amplitudes with significantly different properties. 4. **Critical Pomeron and super - critical Pomeron**: - Critical Pomeron is the complete and unique solution of high - energy unitarity, representing the ultimate achievement of constructing a unique S - matrix from unitarity. - The super - critical Pomeron phase links Critical Pomeron to the underlying field theory and generates new RFT diagrams through "Pomeron condensation". 5. **New strong - interaction physics and LHC physics**: - The sextet quark sector will dominate states and cross - sections at sufficiently high energies. - Predicts significant new physical phenomena that may occur at the LHC, including huge vector boson pair cross - sections and other strong - interaction effects. 6. **GUT S theory**: - GUT S theory is a unique SU(5) gauge theory that contains 5 + 15 + 40 + 45* fermion representations. - This theory can naturally explain the variation of the strong - interaction coupling constant αs with energy, thus achieving unification without the need for supersymmetry. Overall, this paper attempts to provide a deeper understanding of the Standard Model and the possibility of its extension by using high - energy unitarity as a constraint, combined with concepts such as the new sextet quark sector and Critical Pomeron.