General formula for finding Mexican hat wavelets by virtue of Dirac's representation theory and coherent state

Hong-Yi Fan,Hai-Liang Lu
Abstract:The admissibility condition of a mother wavelet is explored in the context of quantum optics theory. By virtue of Dirac's representation theory and the coherent state' property we derive a general formula for finding Mexican hat wavelets.
Quantum Physics
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is how to use Dirac representation theory and coherent state theory to find Mexican hat wavelets that meet specific conditions within the framework of quantum optics. Specifically, the author focuses on how to find more wavelets in the form of even functions, which can satisfy the admissibility condition of the mother wavelet, that is: \[ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \psi(x) \, dx = 0 \] This condition ensures that the inverse wavelet transform and the Parseval formula can be applied. The traditional Mexican hat wavelet is an even function, but previous studies have not systematically explored how to find more similar even - function wavelets. To achieve this goal, the author introduced Dirac representation theory and coherent state theory and derived a general formula through the following steps: 1. **Combine the wavelet transform with the quantum state transform**: Use Dirac's ket - bra form to express the wavelet transform as a transformation between quantum states. 2. **Utilize the properties of coherent states**: Through the completeness relation of coherent states and integration techniques, convert the integration operation into an ordered product of operators. 3. **Derive specific coefficient conditions**: By projecting into the coordinate representation, obtain the specific form of the wave function and determine the conditions that the coefficients need to satisfy. Finally, the author obtained a general formula that can generate a series of new Mexican hat wavelets, and all of these wavelets satisfy the above - mentioned admissibility conditions. This not only expands the known types of wavelets but also provides a theoretical basis for further research and application. In summary, the main contribution of this paper lies in providing a new method based on quantum optics theory for systematically constructing wavelet functions that meet specific conditions, thereby enriching the toolbox of wavelet analysis.