On large-sample estimation and testing via quadratic inference functions for correlated data

Ramani S. Pilla,Catherine Loader
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.math/0505360
Abstract:Hansen (1982) proposed a class of "generalized method of moments" (GMMs) for estimating a vector of regression parameters from a set of score functions. Hansen established that, under certain regularity conditions, the estimator based on the GMMs is consistent, asymptotically normal and asymptotically efficient. In the generalized estimating equation framework, extending the principle of the GMMs to implicitly estimate the underlying correlation structure leads to a "quadratic inference function" (QIF) for the analysis of correlated data. The main objectives of this research are to (1) formulate an appropriate estimated covariance matrix for the set of extended score functions defining the inference functions; (2) develop a unified large-sample theoretical framework for the QIF; (3) derive a generalization of the QIF test statistic for a general linear hypothesis problem involving correlated data while establishing the asymptotic distribution of the test statistic under the null and local alternative hypotheses; (4) propose an iteratively reweighted generalized least squares algorithm for inference in the QIF framework; and (5) investigate the effect of basis matrices, defining the set of extended score functions, on the size and power of the QIF test through Monte Carlo simulated experiments.
Statistics Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The main problems that this paper attempts to solve are related to large - sample estimation and testing of relevant data. Specifically: 1. **Construct appropriate covariance matrix estimation**: Construct a suitable covariance matrix estimation for the extended score function set of the inference function. This step is crucial for ensuring the validity of the subsequent inference theory. 2. **Develop a unified large - sample theoretical framework**: Establish a unified large - sample theoretical framework for relevant data analysis based on Quadratic Inference Functions (QIF). This framework will cover the large - sample properties of QIF estimators and test statistics. 3. **Derive the QIF test statistic for generalized linear hypothesis testing**: For general linear hypothesis problems involving relevant data, derive the QIF test statistic and determine its asymptotic distribution under the null hypothesis and local alternative hypothesis. 4. **Propose an iteratively reweighted generalized least squares algorithm**: Within the QIF framework, propose an Iteratively Reweighted Generalized Least Squares (IRGLS) algorithm for estimation and testing. This algorithm is more stable and computationally more feasible than the existing Newton - Raphson algorithm. 5. **Study the influence of the basis matrix on QIF tests**: Through Monte Carlo simulation experiments, study the influence of the basis matrix defining the extended score function set on the significance and power of QIF tests. ### Summary of Mathematical Formulas - **Model Specification**: \[ E(Y_{it}) = h(X_{it}^T\beta) \] \[ \text{var}(Y_{it}) = \phi v(X_{it}^T\beta) \] where $\beta$ is the unknown vector of regression parameters, $\phi$ is the dispersion parameter, $h(\cdot)$ is the known inverse link function, and $v(\cdot)$ is the known variance function. - **Quasi - likelihood Estimation Equation**: \[ S(\beta):=\sum_{i = 1}^N\left(\nabla h_i^T W_i^{-1}(Y_i - h_i)\right)=0 \] where $W_i=\text{cov}(Y_i)$ is an $n\times n$ diagonal matrix, and the elements are determined by the variance function. - **QIF Definition**: \[ Q_N(\beta):=N g_N(\beta)^T\hat{C}_N(\beta)^{-1}g_N(\beta) \] where \[ \hat{C}_N(\beta):=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i = 1}^N g_i(\beta)g_i(\beta)^T \] - **Asymptotic Normality**: \[ \sqrt{N}(\hat{\beta}_N-\beta_0)\xrightarrow{d}N_q\left(0,J^{-1}(\beta_0)\right) \] where \[ J(\beta_0)=D^T(\beta_0)\Sigma_{\beta_0}^{-1}(\beta_0)D(\beta_0) \] - **Asymptotic Distribution of the Generalized QIF Test Statistic**: \[ T_N=\{\Lambda^T J^{-1}(\beta_0)Z_N\}^T\{\Lambda^T J^{-1}(\beta_0)\Lambda\}^{-1}\{\Lambda^T J^{-1}(\beta_0)Z_N\}+o_p(1) \] Under the null hypothesis, $T_N$ is asymptotically distributed as $\chi^2_p$, where $p$ is the matrix.